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As the army of André retired, Gleb was left in possession of the throne of Kief. In those days there were always many petty princes, ready to embark with their followers in any enterprise which promised either glory or booty. Mstislaf, the fugitive sovereign, soon gathered around him semi-savage bands, entered the province of Kief, plundering and burning the homes of his former subjects.

Come all, to council come! GLEB. Whence come ye hither with your wives and children? IGOR. Fly, fly! The Pole has fallen upon the land At Maromesk, and slaughters all he finds. OLEG. Fly into the interior to strong towns! We've fired our cottages, there's not a soul Left in the village, and we're making now Up country for the army of the Czar. TIMOSKA. Here comes another troop of fugitives.

In revenge, Monomaque sent his son Yaropolk to Droutsk, one of the cities of Gleb. No pen can depict the horrors of the assault. After a few hours of dismay, shriekings and blood, the city was in ashes, and the wretched victims of man's pride and revenge were conducted to the vicinity of Kief, where they reared their huts, and in widowhood, orphanage and penury, commenced life anew.

Gleb, prince of Minsk, with a ferocious band, attacked the city of Sloutsk; after a terrible scene of carnage, in which most of those capable of bearing arms were slain, the city was burned to ashes, and all the survivors, men, women and children, were driven off as captives to the banks of the Dwina, where they were incorporated with the tribe of their savage conqueror.

The victorious André, of Moscow, was now, by the energies of his sword, sovereign of the empire. Kief became but a provincial and a tributary city, which the sovereign placed under the governorship of his brother Gleb. Nearly all the provinces of known Russia were now more or less tributary to André. Three princes only preserved their independence.

Though the entrance is fenced, one can see the street from the house, also from the street one can see what is going on on the stairway. Botkin with his son Gleb and Miss Botkin; Dr. The Emperor and the Empress used to have certain liberties, they could even go to church. Many were going, used to go to the Anunciation Church. They would put soldiers all of the way from the Mansion to the Church.

Gleb himself in this foray was taken prisoner, conducted to Kief, and detained there a captive until he died. Monomaque reigned thirteen years, during which time he was incessantly engaged in wars with the audacious nobles of the provinces who refused to recognize his supremacy, and many of whom were equal to him in power.

IWANSKA. Long live the Czar! The mighty prince Dmitri! GLEB. How! What is this! ILIA. What do you mean? TIMOSKA. Who are you? PETRUSCHKA. Join all who're loyal to our princely line! TIMOSKA. What means all this? There a whole village flies Up country to escape the Poles, while you Make for the very point whence these have fled, To join the standard of the country's foe! PETRUSCHKA. What foe?

As he approached Kief, Gleb, unprepared for efficient resistance, was compelled to seek safety in flight. The inhabitants of the city, to escape the horrors of another siege and sack, threw open their gates, and crowded out to meet their former monarch as a returning friend. Mstislaf entered the city in triumph and quietly reseated himself upon the throne. He however ascended it but to die.

An Ingrian chief told Alexander how, in the eve of the combat, he had seen a mysterious bark, manned by two warriors with shining brows, glide through the night. They were Boris and Gleb, who came to the rescue of their young kinsman.