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"And a million pounds of the iodine o' commerce," snorted Hiram, "ain't worth one pound o' kelp, down below and growin' same as we see. What do they, want to root it up for? Why don't they leave it where it is, to please the eye that looks down through these glass-bottom boats?" "I pass," answered Ike wearily. "I ain't no philosopher, that-a-way.

One may forego the pleasure of fishing if so inclined, and take a sail in the glass-bottom boat, viewing through its transparent bottom the wonders of the mighty deep. There were fifteen in our party, ranged along each side of the boat. Curtains were let down from the outside, practically cutting off all outside light and making the bottom of the sea as light as day.

Clancy reached for him, but was a minute too late, for his fingers clutched only empty air. "Look!" whispered Ike huskily, leaning over the glass bottom and staring; "for the love o' Mike, look what's goin' on down there!" Clancy and Ike had the privilege of seeing one of the strangest sights that any one ever saw through a glass-bottom boat.

Katz led the way out upon the same pier at which Clancy and Hill had taken, the glass-bottom boat to view the marine gardens. Well out on the pier, they came to a halt, and swept their eyes over the dark waters of the bay. "By cracky," said Katz, pointing, "the Sylvia ain't got away yet. There's her lights, if I'm not mistaken."

There was hardly any motion to the boat, save a slow, steady gliding onward. Off Avalon there is no surf, the tides rise and fall, as on the mainland, but the sea is usually as quiet as the waters of a pond. There were other glass-bottom boats out that afternoon, and they were scattered just off shore to Sugarloaf Rock and beyond.

We can go places in these little boats that they can't get, to in the big ones." That must have been a particularly slack day for the glass-bottom boats, for Clancy and Hill were the only passengers on this particular craft. "I reckon that's all, Ike," said the man who had brought the two youths to the boat: "let 'er go!"

At Catalina Islands, by the way, whose climate is absolutely delightful, where there are good hotels, and where the visitors pass the whole day in the water or on land in their bathing-suits, one can hire glass-bottom boats, whereby to view the wonderful and exquisitely beautiful flora of the sea, and watch the movements of the many brilliantly-coloured fish and other creatures that inhabit it.

"You and me don't get separated this trip, if I can help it. If you're going, Clancy, I'll go, too, even if it kills me." "You won't be the least mite sick, friend," the runner insisted. "If you are, I'll give up your fare." "That won't be a patchin' to what I'll give up if you have to give up my fare," commented Hill. "I only hope I don't step so hard on the glass-bottom that I go through."

All are excited, chattering like magpies, as they discuss the latest bulletin of a Tong war, or some other notice of equal interest; and here we leave them, and Chinatown also, passing over the line out of the precincts of the Celestial, and into our own "God's country." In a Glass-bottom Boat About one hundred miles south of San Francisco lies the beautiful Monterey Bay.

The rest of the glass-bottom fleet had gone around Sugarloaf Rock, and Clancy was now able to look across the low rise of rocks, separating the headland from the shore, and see the other sight-seers. "Hill and I came over here to find Hill's father," said Clancy, turning to Burton, "and we find you. That strikes me as being mighty strange, Hank.