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There is old Hossein at his window. Let us go in and drink sherbet." "We shall find Mocenigo and Loredan there," answered Foscari. "They shall promise to help the glass-blower, too." They nodded to the Persian merchant, who saluted them by extending his hand towards the ground as if to take up dust, and then bringing it to his forehead.

But he stopped at a drug store and put his last dime in the telephone box so he could talk to Miss Mydas without being bitten by the dog. "Give me Pelf 6742!" he called. "Hello! What is it?" said a voice. "I want to speak with Miss Mydas," said the glass-blower. Presently a sweet voice said: "This is Miss Mydas. What is it?"

"Why have you treated me so cruelly and set the glass dog on me?" asked the poor fellow. "Well, to tell the truth," said the lady, "I don't like your looks. Your cheeks are pale and baggy, your hair is coarse and long, your eyes are small and red, your hands are big and rough, and you are bow-legged." "But I can't help my looks!" pleaded the glass-blower; "and you really promised to marry me."

I gathered that a Stourbridge glass-blower, of the name of John Howard, had supplied Daubrecq with a crystal bottle made after a model. The word 'crystal' struck me at once.

"Tell me, Jennie," he said, changing the subject. "What does your father do?" "He's a glass-blower." "Here in Cleveland?" "No, he works in Youngstown." "Is your mother alive?" "Yes, sir." "You live with her?" "Yes, sir." He smiled at the "sir." "Don't say 'sir' to me, sweet!" he pleaded in his gruff way. "And don't insist on the Mr. Kane. I'm not 'mister' to you any more.

"Why do they have so many boys around these places?" queried Hamilton of the workman he had been watching. "Have to, they say," the glass-blower replied, "cheap bottles mean cheap labor. No one ever expects to pay anything for a bottle that is thrown in with everything liquid you buy.

Sidney, without turning a glance towards me, and still gazing through the half-opened shutters, replied, "Yes! you never saw him before, yourself. He is a stranger in town, as is evident from the fact of his being dressed in his best suit, and by the manner of his taking observations. Besides, there is no opportunity in these parts for him to follow his trade. He is a glass-blower.

"Call off your dog," he shouted, in terror. "I can't, sir," answered the butler. "My young lady has ordered the glass dog to bark whenever you call here. You'd better look out, sir," he added, "for if it bites you, you may have glassophobia!" This so frightened the poor glass-blower that he went away hurriedly.

Here, the first object that met his eyes was his beloved father sitting on a bottom stair, with his hat in his hand, shouting out 'Weller! in his very loudest tone, at half-minute intervals. 'Wot are you a-roarin' at? said Sam impetuously, when the old gentleman had discharged himself of another shout; 'making yourself so precious hot that you looks like a aggrawated glass-blower.

But that night, when Contarini's friends were assembled and had counted their members, some one asked what had become of the Murano glass-blower, and whether he was not going to attend their meetings in future; and Contarini answered that Zorzi had hurt his foot and was on crutches, and sent a greeting to the guests.