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Oh, yes, we had a nice confidential little chat, me and Aunty did, almost chummy, you know, and as it breaks up and I backs out into the hall, givin' her the polite "Good evenin', Ma'am," I thought I heard a half-smothered snicker behind the draperies. Maybe it was that flossy French maid of theirs.

I'm no fire eater, Judith, or one that likes fightin' for fightin's sake, but I can see no great difference atween givin' up territory afore a war, out of a dread of war, and givin' it up a'ter a war, because we can't help it, onless it be that the last is the most manful and honorable."

"There's no need to trouble, anyway," he added, "for, as it happens, I'm givin' the bird away." "Eh?" The interrogation sounded like a faint echo. "To-morrow. To Mrs Bosenna. Why shouldn't I?" Cai felt his body stiffen as he sat. For the moment he made no answer: then "Well, 'tis your affair in a sense," he said; "but I shouldn't, if I was you." "I promised it to her this very day.

"I s'pose he's kind o' flustered with givin' their first dance," she said apologetically to her coadjutor among the sandwiches. Lem was a great favorite with Mrs. Luella. She liked him better than she did Joe. She was one of the few people who could, at a glance, tell the two brothers apart.

The mother was silent, for she knew the terrible fits of passion to which he was subject. The father groaned deeply, and exclaimed "Frank, Frank, God help you, an' show you the sins you're committin', an' the heart-scaldin' you're givin' both your mother and me! What fresh skrimmage had you that you're in that state?"

"Huh!" says he, givin' me the night court up and down. "Wants an active command, does he? And his training has been what? Four years as office boy, three as private secretary! It's no use, Ellins. We're not fighting this war with waste baskets or typewriters, you know." "Oh, come, major!" puts in Old Hickory. "Why be unreasonable about this?

'Bedad, I think it is revolvers and policemen you ought to be givin' me, not swatemates, he said, affecting a brogue. 'Oh yes, is it not dreadful? exclaimed Mrs. Barton. 'I don't know what we shall do if the Government don't put down the Land League; we shall all be shot in our beds some night. Did you hear of that murder the other day?

"What do you want?" she said, framing the words with an obvious effort. The ticket collector was a man whose natural choleric temperament was accentuated by the harassing nature of his employment. He tore in two portions the ticket which the girl had just given him, and thrust half into her hand. "Here's your return half. Why don't you look what yer doin' when givin' up yer ticket?

Joe looked up from his pouring in his reprovingly surprised way, stopping his dribbling stream on the wagon wheel. "You hang around here a month longer and see what worse is! I'm goin' to begin pickin' up bones over on Stilwell's range in about a week; I'm givin' them wolves and buzzards time to clean 'em up a little better.

"I should think from his face that the man was defending himself in the dock," he whispered to Colonel Lamson. "I'll tell ye what I'll do, then," shouted Simon Basset, "if ye won't none of ye take me up. I'll be damned if I believe that any rich man on the face of this earth is capable of givin' away every dollar he's got, for the fear of the Lord or the love of his fellow-men.