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For Hiram McKinstry, with clanking spurs and rifle in hand stepped from behind the barn, full in the presence of his antagonists. "Ez to my gitten in five minits," he began in his laziest, drowsiest manner, "we'll see when the time's up. But jest now words hev passed betwixt my wife and Seth Davis. Afore anythin' else goes on yer, he's got to take HIS back.

Soom toimes i' t' year theer's a lot doin, yo knaw, sir, even on a bit place like ours, and he ha gitten a good schoolin, he ha. The apologetic incoherence of the little speech was curious. Mr. Ancrum did not exactly know how to take his man. 'I dare say he's useful. But he's not going to be the ordinary labourer, Mr.

She's strong an' gwine on twelve, an' de babies is gitten so dat dey ain't aroun' under my feet all de time. Vilet's spry an' kin run here an' dar an' fill de orders. She'd ease you up right smart." "Now, Sissy," said her husband, who always called her by the old household name, "dat's bery sens'ble and childlike in you to put yousef out fer you'se muder.

"To Gaskarth the little lame fellow will make for the Carlisle coach once they're there?" "When was t'horse and car to be ready?" "Nine o'clock forenoon." "Then it's full time they were gitten roused." Mrs. Garth rose from the stool, hobbled to the door which had been previously indicated by sundry nods and jerks, and gave it two or three sharp raps.

"Did ye ever think," says Jim, "that riches rots or keeps accordin' to their natur? rots or keeps," he goes on, "accordin' to what goes into 'em when a man is gitten' 'em together? Blood isn't a purty thing to mix with money, an' I perfer mine dry. A golden sweetin' grows quick an' makes a big show, but ye can't keep it through the winter." "That's true, Jim," responds Mr. Balfour.

Miss Hazy was awe-struck, but more dreadful revelations were to follow. "I guess you knew I killed him," continued Mrs. Wiggs, calmly. "The doctor an' ever'body said so. He was jes' gitten over typhoid, an' I give him pork an' beans. He was a wonderful man! Kept his senses plumb to the end. I remember his very las' words.

Sile was astonished to find how speedily what Pine called "bullion" would melt, and how easy it was to run it into little bars. There did not seem to be so much of it, but there was less danger that any of the smaller chunks and scales and particles could get away. "There, Sile. There's your farm, cows, hosses, hogs and all, and it only cost you a gitten' thirsty."

Makes a mighty long day, Missy, to git up in de mawnin' an' do my bakin' an' den tromp, tromp, tromp. I could put in an hour or two extra sleep, an' dat counts in a woman ob my age an' heft. But, law sakes! look at dat clock dar. I mus' be gitten along. Set you deah little heart at res', honey.

Dey sho's been some fightin' in dis here wilderness. Hopes ter God we git outen here pretty quick. Gitten too close tergedder ter suit me." The clatter of a horse's hoofs rang out in the little clearing in front of the tent. Taylor looked up again. "See if that's Stuart. General Lee's expecting him." Sam peered out the door of the tent.

Curling her lip, she said not very relevantly to the topic in hand, "They've telt me yer a famous sweethearter, Liza." "That's mair nor iver you could have been," retorted the girl, who always dropt into the homespun of the country side in degree as she became excited. "Yer gitten ower slape, a deal ower slippery," said Mrs. Garth.