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The incident closed in much mirth and friendliness. In the village were also billeted many Italian troops, who used to fill the night with song, long after most of us had gone to bed: "'Addio, mia bell', addio! Cantava nel partir la gioventù," which is never very far from the lips of any Italian soldier, and those endless stornelli, which to an invariable tune they multiply from day to day.

"Those are what he used to call 'smugs'!" she thought contemptuously, her imagination still full of the laughing Italian youths on their glistening horses. And, she began to make disparaging remarks about English young men to Annette. If this intermittent stream of youths represented them, the English gioventù was not much to boast of.

The Paronsina burst into a laugh full of the cruelty and insult of a woman's long-smothered sense of injury. "Caro nonno," she screamed into her grandfather's dull ear, "he is really in despair how to support his happiness. He is shy, even of his old friends, he has had so little experience. It is the first love of a young man. Bisogna compatire la gioventù, caro nonno."

My only pleasant recollection of Ascot is that once, about midnight, as we were keeping watch together, a young Italian gunner from the Romagna sang to me. "'Addio, mia bell', addio! Cantava nel partir la gioventù, Mentre gl' imboscati si stavano Divertire, giornale in mano E la sigaretta. Per noi l'assalto Alla baionetta!

But how it takes me back! Dearie, I too was young! I too have loved! Ah, gioventu primavera della vita! Ah, l'amore! Ah! Ah!" "You make me sick," said Cassy. "Dearie " "Be quiet. My father won't like it and I can't lie to him about it. But I shall need some things and you will have to go for them. What will you tell him?" With one hand, the fat woman could have flattened Cassy's father out.

"Che bella gioventu che bella gioventu!" "And lately," he added, "America has been discovered." He toiled fourteen hours a day, and he was 83 years old.

We have not a leaf, yet, large enough to make an apron for a Miss Eve of two years old. Flowers and fruits, if they come at all this year, must meet together as they do in a Dutch picture; our lords and ladies, however, couple as if it were the real Gioventù dell' anno.