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Under these words was written: "Nel tue giorni felici, vicordati da me." The breast of Amelia heaved convulsively she gazed at these written characters; at last her eyes filled with tears at last her heart was overcome by those painful and passionate feelings which she had so long kept in bondage.

Luigi looked up at her inquiringly. Then a pleasant expectation overshot his gloomy face; he smiled, and his teeth glittered, and his eyes. Instantly he unslung his tray and set it upon the level gate-post. "Sir," said Paula, "do you come here often?" "Tutti i giorni," answered Luigi, scarcely considering her worth wasting his sparse and precious English upon. "You come here often," said Paula.

I played at two concerts, and to- morrow I am to play at another. When I have finished this letter, I am going to complete a symphony that I have begun. The aria is finished. "WOLFGANGO in Germany. "AMADEO MOZART in Italy. Naples, May 19, 1770. Vi prego di scrivermi presto e tutti i giorni di posta.

"Hermione!" he said. "Maurice!" He felt her strong hands, strong and yet soft like all the woman, on his. "Cento di questi giorni!" she said. "Ah, but it is better than all the birthdays in the world!" He wanted to kiss her not to please her, but for himself he wanted to kiss her but he dared not. He felt that if his lips were to touch hers she must know.

Delle Sedie thought that I should begin with "Tre Giorni son che Nina," of Pergolesi, and then the air from "Lucia," and if I were asked to sing again the "Valse de Venzano." On these occasions gentlemen wear the pantalon collant, which is a most unbecoming and trying costume, being of black cloth fitting very tight and tapering down to the ankle, where it finishes abruptly with a button.

Bolingbroke, roused by his friend's representations, and perhaps by a sense of approaching danger, resolved to assume the guidance of his wife, or at least of himself. In opposition to his sovereign lady's will, he actually spent this evening as he pleased. "E sol quei giorni io mi vidi contenta, Ch'averla compiaciuto mi trovai."

P.S. Li gentilhomini de lo Illmo. Sig. Duca de Romagna poichè sono stati qui XII giorni sono stati da me licentiate per essere impertinente e senza fructo alcuno a la Santit

Pochi giorni avanti la mia partenza di la desiderava S. A. Elletorale di sentire qualche mia musica in contrapunto: era adunque obligato di scriver questo Motetto in fretta per dar tempo a copiar il spartito per Sua Altezza ed a cavar le parti per poter produrlo la prossima domenica sotto la Messa grande in tempo del Offertorio. Carissimo e stimatissimo Sigr. P. Maestro!

Io vi accerto che io aspetto con una incredibile premura tutte le giornate di posta qualche lettere di Salisburgo. Jeri fummo a S. Lorenzo e sentimmo il Vespero, e oggi matina la messa cantata, e la sera poi il secondo vespero, perche era la festa della Madonna del Buonconsiglio. Questi giorni fummi nel Campidoglio e viddemmo varie belle cose.

At this moment there arose on the air the clear, full voice of his daughter, who was practising with Quantz a favorite Italian air of the king. "Nel tue giorni felice ricordati da me," sang the beautiful Anna, while Father Pricker ran, like a madman, up and down the room, and stopped his ears, that he might not hear the hateful sound.