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John Allen, who had sat on the doorstep reading a paper a kindly-faced man of middle age with a short white beard under his chin greeted them cheerfully. The withering sunlight of a day late in August fell upon the dusty street, now almost deserted. Faces at the doors and windows of the little houses were looking out at them. Two ragged boys and a ginger-colored dog came running toward the wagon.

For some miles the pony-tracks were visible enough. There was no attempt to cover them. The rider was evidently pushing hard. "Where do you think he is heading for, Inspector?" "Well," said the Inspector, "this trail strikes toward the Blackfoot Reserve by way of your ranch." "My ranch!" cried Cameron. "My God! Look there!" As he spoke the ginger-colored broncho leaped into a gallop.

She stood beside her tall, immaculate husband, a short, rather stout, flabby-looking woman with a sallow face wherein keener eyes than Elsie's might have detected traces of former prettiness, and frowsy, ginger-colored hair that had been curled on an iron. She wore a dingy pink tea-gown bordered with swan's-down, cut rather low and revealing a yellow, scrawny neck.

Johnson came in and began to unpack her basket, which was mostly bottles of things she said she used to "stick" food. The ginger-colored barber got the run of them before the dinner was over and got badly stuck, so Judy says. That's what made him make the mistake.

The Inspector rode a strongly built, stocky horse of no great speed but good for an all-day run. Cameron's horse was a broncho, an unlovely brute, awkward and ginger-colored his name was Ginger sad-eyed and wicked-looking, but short-coupled and with flat, rangy legs that promised speed.

Ma Snow wore her coral-rose breast-pin, and a tortoise-shell comb thrust through her knob of ginger-colored hair added to her dignity and height; while Miss Vi and Miss Rosie Snow were buttoned into their stylish princess gowns, with large red bows sprouting back of each ear.

She sticks to the plain double braid, wound around her head smooth and slick, like the stuff they wrap Chianti bottles in, and with her long soup-viaduct it gives her sort of a top-heavy look. Sort of dull, ginger-colored hair it is too. Besides that she's a tall, shingle-chested female, well along in the twenties, I should judge, and with all the earmarks of bein' an old maid.

You are strong enough and good enough for anything, an' you know a great deal about things!" The blue eyes were bright and wistful, his hand stole up to the bushy whiskers, ginger-colored from exposure to the air and boiler-heat. "Me, a hero! Haw! haw!" roared the engineer, letting fall his knife and fork in his merriment.

A thin sallow face, on the forehead of which a mop of ginger-colored hair lay listlessly, was pressed against the bars. "Thanks," said the ticket agent. "I get asked the same old questions so often, one like yours sort of breaks the monotony. Sorry I can't help you. She's a woman, and the Lord only knows why women cry. And sometimes I reckon even He must be a little puzzled. Now, my wife "

Each mule batters frantically away as the wave strikes him, and the rattle of nimble and indignant hoofs on the iron bulwarks follows the wave along from one end of the ship to the other. One of the most arrogant and overbearing of the animals aboard is a ginger-colored mule stationed almost amidships on the starboard side.