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"So then, they are elephants?" asked Nibbles. "Shaggy elephants?" tweeted Tweaty. "Wooly mammoths?" questioned Lisa and Hootsey together. "Neither of those," replied the princess. "They are just Droffs." "We did not come to seek the Droffs," said Ozma. "Nor did we come to see the Gilligoggs. We were looking for the Saber-Toothed Light-Bulbs. Are they not in this area?"

But ... er, just out of curiosity, are there any marshmallow trees around? Just to be on the safe side, you know." They all laughed. The Droffs and the Gilligoggs had never understood each other. They were a different people, really. For example, the Droffs were shaggy-looking creatures with forms that resembled the Wooly Mammoth.

Each race pretty much kept to itself. I suppose that in a way, the Gilligoggs looked down on the Droffs. They considered them somehow inferior to themselves. The Droffs were well aware of this and were deeply resentful. Now if you or I were to try to analyze the exact reason for this, we might fall short of our goal.

"We just passed through their country on our way here," explained Lisa. "Me wish me knew Gilligoggs," sighed Biff. "Them not let Droffs pass through. Not come to visit Droffs, neither. To Gilligogg, Droff land just place to dump stuff they no want." "Stuff?" asked Ozma. "What stuff?" "Old stuff, most," replied the Droff. "Rotted foods. Old packages. Cigarette ends. You am knowing. Stuff."

Their voices had a deep gruff sound not unlike a cave man might have sounded, and their words came out in a torrent of grunts that did not vary in tone and that did not exactly follow the rules of grammar. For example: "Who you?" "What you name?" "How got you this place?" "Why you here for?" etc. Whereas the Gilligoggs were quite elegant even sophisticated compared to the Droffs.

We could say that the Gilligoggs were far more intelligent because their speech was more sophisticated. But if you took the trouble to get to know a Droff, you would find that, in spite of their crude manner of speech, they are, as a whole, equally as intelligent as the Gilligoggs, except that they express their intelligence in a different way.

"What slobs!" said Lisa with distaste. "And that princess had the nerve to say that Droffs were messy!" "But it explains why the Droffs have such low-quality land," sighed Ozma. "It isn't that the Droffs are unsanitary. The very reason the Gilligoggs look down on the Droffs is caused by the Gilligoggs themselves!" "They are high and sophisticated, I guess," added Hootsey.

We Gilligoggs have always known that we are superior to all other living beings, so we avoid contact with anyone else. If we start to invite trouble, we're sure to get it in great doses." "But that's awful!" put in Tweaty. "You don't even give them a chance?" "Why should we? They are not Gilligoggs. Heavens! They have the most outlandish-looking noses!" She eyed Elephant in a scrutinizing manner.

"I'm sure that a few of you would aptly frighten the Forest Monster out of our forest," he said tremblingly. "Hopefully out of Oz altogether!" "Splendid," replied Watts. "Come, follow me. I know a short-cut that will allow us to avoid the Gilligoggs. Not that I am afraid of the Gilligoggs or anything. I just find them unpleasant to have to deal with.

But for friend of good and nice Queen, me get some for nice little mouse." "How kind," said Nibbles. "Thank you." The Droff, though not as graceful as he might have been, served up a repast that was happily received by his guests. "The Droffs are obviously more hospitable than the Gilligoggs," said Tweaty. "Gilligoggs?" echoed Biff. "You am knowing Gilligoggs?"