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"I have hunted this country pretty regularly since I left the Service. And my friend is Hugh Gifford." "Gifford? Did not Wynford Place where we are going to-night belong to the Giffords?" Henshaw asked, curiosity overcoming tact. "Yes," Gifford answered, "to an uncle of mine. He sold it lately to Morriston." "Ah; a pity. Fine old place," Henshaw observed casually. "Naturally you know it well."

Has Kelsey shown his ugly face here since I went away, or have you heard anything from those 'secret enemies' that Wat Gifford spoke of? How has Hanson behaved himself?" Mrs. Gray's report was so satisfactory that Marcy was put quite at his ease.

Denner began again, with a flash of strength in his tone, "I wished to ask you if you would accept accept" he reached towards the little table, but he could not find the leather case until Gifford put it into his hand "if you would be so good as to accept this; and will you open it, if you please, Miss Ruth?" She did so, with trembling fingers. It was a daguerreotype of Mr.

"That's the one!" he cried; "and it's true to nature. There's good in a few and bad in all. Eh, Gifford?" "Unhappily there is," sighed Gifford. "This man, Quirk," cried the old man, vindictively, "has a past, if we can discover it. We must rid ourselves of him; he's a public nuisance, a dangerous, meddlesome fellow. Always poking his nose into something; always making things unpleasant.

To begin with, the relationship between herself and her mother was more intimate than is usually the case, for Claire was an only child, and Mrs Gifford a widow only eighteen years older than herself.

"I cherish the theory," Gifford had said, "that the soul sometimes lingers in the body after death. During madness, of course, it is an impotent prisoner, albeit a conscious one. Fancy its agony, and its horror!

"Nothing can be done," Gifford said, as the crowd broke, following the preacher, who was far ahead of all; but he too started, as though to join them, and then checked himself, and went back into the deserted street, walking up and down, a self-constituted patrol. Almost every man had gone to the river.

Miss Deborah did not notice the amendment; she was anxious to hear the practical side of the matter, and had questions to ask about Helen's money, and whether Gifford supposed that that man would do anything for her; but except their grave disapproval that Helen should differ from her husband, nothing was said of theology.

He took a couple of steps farther into the room, only to utter an exclamation of intense surprise and horror; then turned quickly with an almost scared face. "Go back!" he cried hoarsely, holding up his hands with an arresting gesture. "Kelson, Mr. Gifford, come here a moment and shut the door.

But that Gifford could have, apart from what Edith Morriston might have told him, any intimate knowledge of the tragedy was inconceivable. "I shall be glad to hear what you have to say, Mr. Gifford," he responded, in perhaps much greater curiosity than he chose to show. "Then I have to inform you positively," Gifford answered, "that your brother's fatal wound was the result of a pure accident."