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Then there were sharper hisses, as though some strange creature was trying to send a coded message through the noisy hydrogen background. "It's a message of some kind," Rick stated. "I'll bet on it." "Who sends messages from space?" Scotty asked with a grin. "Ghouls, ghosties, or long-legged beasties?" "Don't laugh," Rick said impatiently. "Didn't you ever hear of Project Ozma?" Scotty hadn't.

"You know perfectly well you've got to have meat to drive the ghosties out of your silly head." Timmy submitted with a grunt of disappointment, and the meal proceeded. Again Radmore felt surprised and puzzled. Was it conceivable that the whole family with the exception of Mr. Tosswill, Jack and Timmy, had become so High Church that Friday was with them a meatless day?

"P'raps you'll see ghosties there, for a change," for it was customary to mount a sentry over "the Dead 'Ole" when it contained an occupant, and one of the sentry's pleasing duties was to rap loudly and frequently upon the door throughout the night to scare away those vermin which are no respecters of persons when the persons happen to be dead and the vermin ravenous.

She won the affections of a certain number of the new Scots girls, and tried her best to set them against Hollyhock; but there was a magical influence about Hollyhock which prevented any girl being set against her; and although the girls did say that Meg had a sturdy conscience, and that she must be very happy to have made her confession, yet as the evening hour drew on they returned, as though spell-bound, to Hollyhock's side to listen with fascinated eyes and half-open mouths to her tales of bogies and ghosties.

Need I say it is your brother's?" "Wonham's?" he suggested. It was the second time that she had made the little slip. She nodded, and he asked her what kind of ghosties haunted this curious field. "The D.," was her prompt reply. "He leans against the tree in the middle, especially on Sunday afternoons and all the worshippers rise through the turnips and dance round him."

"Many say they don't believe there be such things as ghosties. They niver see'd 'n. An' I don't say I believe or disbelieve what I hear tell. I warn't there to see. I only know what I see'd myself: but I don't say that it were a ghostie or that it wasn't one.

Her tales of bogies and ghosties all of them with a slight soupçon of truth in them had excited the wonder and fearful admiration of the schoolgirls, and when she suggested, as she did suggest, that 'poor little Leuchy might wipe the ghostie's hair for her, there was a perfect chorus of delighted applause. 'But he won't come; he won't dare to come, said Margaret Drummond.

Her fancy compared Rickie to the cracked church bell sending forth its message of "Pang! pang!" to the countryside, and Stephen to the young pagans who were said to lie under this field guarding their pagan gold. "This place is full of ghosties," she remarked; "have you seen any yet?" "I've kept on the outer rim so far." "Let's go to the tree in the centre." "Here's the path."

The ghosts of the corpses might come dancing round to have their say in the matter." "We'd chance the ghosties. Shure! if they've been hanging round for three or four thousand years, they'd maybe like a new sensation by this time." Stanley put on "The Stars and Stripes," wound up the gramophone, and slid into his lounge chair again. Moore glanced up as the music started.