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For a while he believed them, and mighty was the hunt from the clock-tower of the Gevangenhuis down to the lowest stone of its cellars, yes, and even in the waters of the moat. But when the Governor found out the truth it went very ill with those soldiers, and still worse with the guard from whom Martin had escaped in the torture-room like an eel out of the hand of a fish-wife.

Unless you speak of it, nobody need ever know that you have furnished certain useful information, for in the Gevangenhuis the names of witnesses are not mentioned to the accused. Otherwise you may possibly come into trouble with your heretical friends and relatives. Good afternoon. Brother, be so good as to open the door for this gentleman."

A stone flew through the air, then another and another, but at a word of command the soldiers faced about and the mob drew back, for they had no leader. So it went on till they were within a hundred yards of the Gevangenhuis. "Don't let them be murdered," cried the voice. "A rescue! a rescue!" and with a roar the crowd fell upon the soldiers.

She knew the man had she not lived with him? and there could be no doubt about it, and he was the new governor of the Gevangenhuis. Doubtless he has purchased that post for his own dark purposes and to be near them. Sick and half blind with the intensity of her dread, Lysbeth staggered home.

Well, I believe you, but to win a secret from the hilt of the sword of the man who broke his way out of the torture-chamber of the Gevangenhuis, is a labour that would have been not unworthy of Hercules. First, Red Martin must be found, then his sword must be taken, which, I think, will cost men their lives.

One is Foy van Goorl, who went through the siege of Haarlem and escaped, the son of the worthy burgher, Dirk van Goorl, whom they did to death yonder in the Gevangenhuis; and the other a Friesland giant of a man called Red Martin, his servant, of whose feats of arms you may have heard.

She was sitting straight upright in her chair, her hands resting upon her knees, staring out of the window with a face like marble. "I cannot find him," he began, "but Foy and Martin are taken after a great fight in which Foy was wounded. They are in the Gevangenhuis." "I know all," interrupted Lysbeth in a cold, heavy voice. "My husband is taken also. Someone must have betrayed them.

The great doors of oak and iron of the Gevangenhuis clashed to behind the prisoners, the locks were shot, and the bars fell home, while outside raved the furious crowd.

Will you sign or will you go to the torture chamber?" "What right have you to question me?" asked Adrian, striving to build up his tottering courage with bold words. "Just this right that I to whom you speak am the Captain and Governor of the Gevangenhuis in this town, an official who has certain powers." Adrian turned pale but said nothing.

Advancing down the wide street leading to the Gevangenhuis came a body of Spanish soldiers, and in the centre of them were two figures whom it was easy for Adrian to recognise Red Martin and his brother Foy.