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There was a moment's pause and then the Foreign Secretary spoke again: "Yet we must remember that there are two Germanys. There is the Germany of men like ourselves of men like Lichnowsky and Jagow. Then there is the Germany of men of the war party. The war party has got the upper hand." At this point Sir Edward's eyes filled with tears. "Thus the efforts of a lifetime go for nothing.

She had done wonders and it was natural for those folk, safe at hame, and far, far away frae all the turmoil and the stress of the fighting, to think that they had done enough. The Americans knew, you'll ken, that they were resistless. They knew that the gigantic power of America could crush half a dozen Germanys in time.

I was facing little Germany and five littler Germanys strung out behind. You surely remember him? and how when I could n't see things his way he swore to a wrecked heart and a never-to-be-forgotten constancy. Mate! There was no more of a flicker of memory in the stare of his round blue eyes than there would have been in a newly baked pretzel. I stood still, waiting for some glimmer of recognition.

Canada is as large as thirty United Kingdoms and eighteen Germanys. Canada is almost as large as Europe. It is bounded by three oceans and has thirteen thousand miles of coast line, that is, half the circumference of the earth.

When Emperor William II ascended the throne and became the "All Highest War Lord," he found himself at the head of two great Germanys: a military Germany arising from the Prussian conquest of France in 1870, by which more than thirty states had been welded into a compact unity of military order, commercial tariffs, railroad transportation, and national finance; and an industrial Germany forging ahead in the commercialism of the earth at a pace exceeded by no other nation.