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Commenting on the statement made by Alciati and Emilio Ferretti that Tacitus wrote bad Latin, he bursts into an exclamation that may be considered rather uncourteous when applied to His Eminence a Cardinal and to an eminent Jurisconsult, that they were both silly and absurd: "they say," exclaims Gerardus Johannes, "that he did not write Latin properly: how silly is this! how absurd!"

So we commend ourselves to your Excellency's mercy. Your Highness's servants, JOHANN LUCAS and GERARDUS SARACENUS. Finally the date set for Lucretia to leave January 6th arrived. The Pope was determined that her departure should be attended by a magnificent display; she should traverse Italy like a queen.

Who was Abraham de Peyster? who was Gerardus Beekman? who was Rip Van Dam? And the Schuylers, Livingstons, and Van Rensselaers? All nobodies. My dear child, what lunatic in the Beverwyck Club suggested this official classification, which even the Archangel Michael could not carry out?" Her grandson, with no friendly recollections, named the judge. "The silly old man!" exclaimed Mrs. Van Dam.

Two years later he went to New York, where he passed eleven months, and was liberally employed by the merchants and others. He painted the portrait of Bishop Provoost, those of Gerardus Duyekinck and his wife full length one of Mrs. Samuel Breese, and many others, which are in the families of descendants, and characteristic examples of his early work.

Obliged to have recourse to arms, he was beaten and put in prison; and when he was released, at the intercession of the Pope, he found his wonderful prestige annihilated. The most interesting accounts of Fra Giovanni da Vicenza are to be found in Muratori, vol. viii., in the Annals of Rolandini and Gerardus Maurisius.