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Geordie would grow up to be a master-hand at polo and care more for that pastime than for anything in life, and Ferdy perhaps would develop into 'the best shot in England. Laura felt these possibilities stirring within them; they were in the things they said to her, in the things they said to each other. At any rate they would never reflect upon anything in the world.

The result of his thought was the apparatus still affectionately known to the pitmen as "the Geordie lamp." It is a lamp so constructed that the flame cannot pass out into the air outside, and so cause explosions in the dangerous fire-damp which is always liable to occur abundantly in the galleries of coal mines.

'I'd hit him in the eye! cried Ferdy, with cheerful inconsequence. 'Perhaps you don't care to come to dinner at half-past seven, the girl said to Miss Steet; 'but I should be very glad I'm all alone. 'Thank you so much. All alone, really? murmured the governess. 'Why don't you get married? then you wouldn't be alone, Geordie interposed, with ingenuity.

Some of the dashing young men in stand-up collars and extensive neckties, encouraged by Mr. Geordie, made quite free with the "Ma,dary," and even induced some of the more stylish girls not of the mansion-house set, but of the tip-top two-story families to taste a little.

It is a curious satire upon human justice that his name should have been kept green in Scotland by the rough jests of an imaginary Geordie Buchanan, commonly supposed to have been the King's fool, as extraordinary a travesty as it is possible to conceive.

So Geordie had one day lingered behind the other scholars to tell Grace that the idea of going to school even during the winter quarter must be given up.

Though Geordie Stephenson didn't go to school at the village teacher's, he was teaching himself in his own way by close observation and keen comprehension of all the machines and engines he could come across. Naturally, to such a boy, the great ambition of his life was to be released from the hoeing and spudding, and set to work at his father's colliery.

Geordie stood silently and watched them. He saw the wonderment in Anthony's strong face give way to interest as McCrea talked rapidly on; saw interest deepen to sympathy and a certain excitement. In three minutes Anthony broke away and came hurrying back, looking at his watch. "Mr. Graham," said he, "d' you want to go up the line this very night? Could you be ready in two hours?"

'So, lady, you see what perils to brave men you maids can cause by a little heedlessness. 'I never asked Geordie to put his finger in, returned Jean saucily. 'I could have brought off Skywing for myself without such a clamjamfrie after me.

The still-room was dark and unopened, for the servants had not thought it necessary to include it in their preparations. Grace went to the window and undid the fastenings, and the yellow afternoon sun streamed on the dusty wooden bench where Geordie, and Jean, and Elsie used to sit.