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"It is Wenlock's head," said Genvil "how his eyes stare!" "They will stare after no more wenches now," said the boor "I have cured him of caterwauling." "Thou!" said Amelot, stepping back in disgust and indignation. "Yes, I myself," replied the peasant; "I am Grand Justiciary of the Commons, for lack of a better." "Grand hangman, thou wouldst say," replied Genvil.

"Surely, surely," said Eveline, earnestly, "it must be the right road which conducts you to the relief of Wenlock and his followers, besieged by the insurgent boors." "I know not," said Genvil, still hesitating.

"What a thick black cloud the villains make" said Amelot; "but we will let daylight through it with our lances See, Genvil, the defenders hoist a signal to show they have seen us." "A signal to us?" exclaimed Genvil. "By Heaven, it is a white flag a signal of surrender!"

"Nevertheless," said Eveline, seeing how the eyes of the rest turned on Genvil, "you do not cannot will not refuse to follow me? You do not as a soldier, for my weak voice supplies your captain's orders you cannot as a gentleman, for a lady, a forlorn and distressed female, asks you a boon you will not as an Englishman, for your country requires your sword, and your comrades are in danger.

Genvil was contented to foil his attack by one, and, as it seemed, a slight movement of his gigantic arm, with which he forced the page aside, parrying, at the same time, his blow with the standard-spear.

"This comes of meddling with men's amourettes," said Genvil; "Sir Damian would needs brawl with Wenlock about his dealings with this miller's daughter, and you see they account him a favourer of their enterprise; it will be well if others do not take up the same opinion.

"How should I tell?" answered the page; "there be such things, surely, as saints and good angels, and if there be one on earth deserves their protection, it is Dame Eveline Berenger." "Well said, Master Counsel-keeper," replied Genvil, laughing; "but that will hardly pass on an old trooper. Saint and angels, quotha? most saint-like doings, I warrant you."

Hadst thou not come upon assurance, I had pinned thee to the earth with my lance But, be assured, your cruelty shall be fearfully avenged. Come, Genvil, let us to our men; there is no farther use in abiding here." The fellow, who had expected a very different reception, stood staring after them for a few moments, then replaced his bloody trophy in the wallet, and rode back to those who sent him.

"We are in time, we are in time," said Amelot, dropping the reins of his bridle, and joyfully clapping his hands; "shake thy banner abroad, Genvil give Wenlock and his fellows a fair view of it. Comrades, halt breathe your horses for a moment.

"It is a false calumny," said Amelot, indignantly; "betrothed as she is to his uncle, I am convinced she would rather die than have such a thought, and so would our master. I have noted this heretical belief in thee before now, Genvil, and I have prayed thee to check it. You know the thing cannot be, for you know they have scarce ever met." "How should I know that," said Genvil, "or thou either?