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'My lady, he said, 'mistress Amanda is of your people: knowest thou wherefore she cometh not? 'I know not, my lord, but I will send and see, replied lady Margaret. 'My lady Broughton, wilt thou go and inquire wherefore the damsel disregardeth my lord of Worcester's commands? She had chosen the gentlest-hearted of her women to go on the message.

Here were old men awkwardly engaged in little household offices, wherein they would have been ridiculous but for their good-will and kind purpose; and here were swarthy fellows giants in their way doing such little acts of tenderness for those about them, as might have belonged to gentlest-hearted dwarfs.

'My lady, he said, 'mistress Amanda is of your people: knowest thou wherefore she cometh not? 'I know not, my lord, but I will send and see, replied lady Margaret. 'My lady Broughton, wilt thou go and inquire wherefore the damsel disregardeth my lord of Worcester's commands? She had chosen the gentlest-hearted of her women to go on the message.

It was one of the hardest things to do and say that any one ever said in the world, and it was said at the hardest possible time to say it. It was strange that one almost swooning with pain should have said the gentlest-hearted and truest thing about human nature that has ever been said since the world began.