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Perf. in the sense of the pres. Inertiam. Cf. 14: ingrata genti quies. In this account of the habits of the Germans, one might easily fancy, he was reading a description of the manner of life among our American Indians. All tribes in a rude and savage state must have many similar usages and traits of character.

Duriora genti corpora, stricti artus, minax vultus et major animi vigor.

Petrarch complains that 'Nature had made him different from other people' singular' d' altri genti. The great happiness of life is, to be neither better nor worse than the general run of those you meet with, you soon find a mortifying level in their difference to what you particularly pique yourself upon. What is the use of being moral in a night-cellar, or wise in Bedlam?

Tutta questa costa, che corre dal detto Rio Neuado infin’ al porto di Maluas leghe 200. ilqual è in gradi 56. la vidde piena di genti, e molto habitato: sopra laqual dismontato prese alcuni per menargli seco, scoperse ancho molte Isole per mezo la detta costa tutte populate, a ciascuna delle quali diede il nome.

He who seven years ago heard the streets of Rome echoing to the cry that she alone was La Regina delle Genti, "sat a queen, and should see no sorrow," can best form an estimate of the terrible re-action that has followed the tumult of that hour, and can best understand how it has happened, that now the hatred wherewith the Italians hate the Papacy is greater than the love wherewith they loved it.

Si civitas, in qua orti sunt, longa pace et otio torpeat plerique nobilium adolescentium petunt ultro eas nationes, quae tum bellum aliquod gerunt; quia et ingrata genti quies, et facilius inter ancipitia clarescunt, magnumque comitatum non nisi vi belloque tuentur: exigunt enim principis sui liberalitate illum bellatorem equum, illam cruentam victricemque frameam.

Marett, Anthropology. Home University Library. J.L. Myres, The Dawn of History. Home University Library. Myres's revision, in view of the rest of the book which he has not seen. In his 'better land' Non huc Argoo contendit remige pinus, Neque impudica Colchis intulit pedem.... Iuppiter illa piæ secrevit litora genti, Ut inquinavit ære tempus aureum;

He was fond, says Liebknecht, of quoting as his motto the defiant line of Dante, with which he afterwards concluded his preface to 'Das Kapital': 'Segui il tuo corso e lascia dir le genti." It is to Marx's everlasting credit that he set the intellectual standard of socialism on the most vigorous intellectual basis he could find.

Subj. after donec. So faciat below. See note, 1. Hic habitus, sc. ferreum annulum, cf. 17. Plurimis==permultis, Rit. Placet. Antithetic to ignominiosum genti. Nova. Al. torva. Strange, unusual. Mansuescunt. Primarily said of wild beasts, accustomed to the hand of man or tamed. So immanis, not handled, wild, savage.

By which occasion and meanes of his povertie and sicknes, which cruelly afflicted him in a strange contrie, he deferred for a longe space his embassage, till, havinge gotten upp a little money by makinge of seacardes, he began to practize with Kinge Henry the Seaventhe, the father of Kinge Henry the viij’th which nowe reigneth; to whome he presented a general carde, wherein these verses were written, which I will rather here put downe for their antiquitie then for their elegancie: Terrarum quicunque cupis foeliciter oras Noscere, cuncta decens doctè pictura docebit Quam Strabo affirmat, Ptolomæus, Plinius atque Isidorus: non vna tamen sententia cuique Pingitur hîc etiam nuper sulcata carinis Hispanis Zona illa, priùs incognita genti, Torrida, quæ tandem nunc est notissma multis.