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In these seeds strychnine was found by Pelletier and Caventou in 1818, as it subsequently was in crack-nuts. The former contained twice as much of it as the latter, viz. one and a half per cent; but, as they are four times as dear, it is only produced from the latter. Gemelli Careri mentions it, and quotes thirteen different uses of it. Dr. Papecta is probably a clerical error.

It is a known fact that these worms have existed for days together in the nostrils, throat, and stomach of man, causing inexpressible pain and, finally, death. Gemelli Careri has already mentioned them. I discovered similar formations, of extraordinary beauty and extent, in the great silicious beds of Steamboat Springs in Nevada.

It is not the commercial character of a nation which inspires veneration in mankind, nor will its military power engage the affections of its neighbours. So late as in 1700 the Italian Gemelli told all Europe that he could find nothing among us but our writings to distinguish us from a people of barbarians.

Something like it at least appears in the Gemelli table of Mexican migrations, reproduced in Humboldt, where a bird in a tree is sending down a number of tongues to a crowd of men standing below. I think we need not hesitate in condemning the legend of Cholula, which I have just related, as not genuine, or at least as partly of late fabrication.

Athanasius tells a long-winded story of Melchizedek and Abraham, which shows what stuff the early Christians believed. According to the Talmud, Melchizedek composed the hundred and tenth Psalm himself; and although he is without end of days, his tomb was shown at Jerusalem in the time of Gemelli Oarrere the traveller. There was an heretical sect called the Melchizedekiana in the third century.

Gemelli Carreri was informed by the governor of Manila that gold to the value of $200,000 was collected annually without the help of either fire or quicksilver, and that Paracale, in particular, was rich in gold. No data exist from which I could estimate the actual rate of produce; and the answers to several inquiries deserve no mention.

Giro del Mondo del G.F. Gemelli Carreri. Naples, 1699. 7 vols. 8vo. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, and Portugal. Cor. de Jong Reisen naer de Cap de Goede Hop, Ierland en Norwégen. Haarlem, 1802. 8vo. Friedrich, Briefe au einen freund, eine reise von Gibraltar nach Tanger und von da durch Spanien, und Frankreich, Zurich, nach Deutschland, betreffend.