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When he visited Steve's office in the first flush of Steve's success, to ask the thousandth favour from him, and spied Trudy Burrows in all her lemon-kid booted, pink-chiffon waisted, red-haired loveliness as virile and bewitching as any one Gaylord's pale little mind could picture he proved himself a "true democrat," as he boasted at the club, and offered her his hand in marriage in short order.

To begin with, she's very much flattered at Gaylord's attentions to Mellicent the more so because he's left Bessie I beg her pardon, 'Elizabeth" for her." "Then Miss Elizabeth is in it, too?" "Very much in it. That's one of the reasons why Hattie is so anxious for more money. She wants clothes and jewels for Bessie so she can keep pace with the Gaylords.

I am deeply sorry to hear this. There are more reasons why I am concerned than I can tell you." The lines in Charley Gaylord's brow relaxed a little. "What I'm trying to say, Mr. Hilgarde, is that she wants to see you. I hate to ask you, but she's so set on it. We live several miles out of town, but my rig's below, and I can take you out anytime you can go."

Gaylord's pastor was now dead; and the Squire was buried by the lame man, who came up to Equity for that purpose, at the wish, often expressed, of the deceased. This at least was the common report, and it is certain that Halleck officiated. In entering the ministry he had returned to the faith which had been taught him almost before he could speak.

I know what I'm talkin' about, and I tell you that Ridout and Jake Botcher and Brush Bascom haven't any more notion of lettin' your bills out of committee than they have Gaylord's. Why? Because they've got orders not to." "You're making some serious charges, Mr. Tooting," said Mr. Crewe. "And what's more, I can prove 'em.

And the leaders of the party protect the road from vindictive assaults on it like Gaylord's, and from scatterbrains and agitators like your friend Redbrook." Austen shook his head sadly as he gazed at his father. He had always recognized the futility of arguments, if argument on this point ever arose between them. "It's no use, Judge," he said.

She was her prettiest when angry and she stirred in Gaylord's one-cylinder brain a resolve to play fairy-godfather husband and somehow deliver a fortune at her feet. "I can't live at your club," she continued; "and your sister is jealous of her husband and wouldn't want me round. We couldn't live with the Faithfuls; Mary's a nice girl but I can't go their quiet ways.

If you'll only say the word, Austen, we'll work up a movement around the State that'll be hard to beat." "Tom," said Austen, laying his hand on young Mr. Gaylord's farther shoulder, "you're a pretty good fellow. Where did you say that livery-stable was? "I'll go sleigh-riding with you," said Mr. Gaylord. "I guess the Pingsquit bill can rest one afternoon."

Forgotten, in this moment, is senatorial courtesy and respect for the powers of the feudal system. "Say, boys," he cried, "Putnam County's voting, and there's be'n no nomination and ain't likely to be. Jim Scudder, the station-master at Wye, is here on credentials, and he says for sure the thing's fizzled out, and Tom Gaylord's left the hall!"

"Durned if you don't look like a man who can handle a horse," said Mr. Putter. And as long as you're a friend of Tom Gaylord's I'll let you have her. Nobody drives that mare but me. What's your name?" "Vane." "Ain't any relation to old Hilary, be you?" "I'm his son," said Austen, "only he doesn't boast about it." "Godfrey!" exclaimed Mr. Putter, with a broad grin, "I guess you kin have her.