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Potatoes he had boiled in their jackets, and so skillfully, that those jackets hung by a thread. Christie laid an unbleached table-cloth, that somehow looked sweeter than a white one, as brown bread is sweeter than white. But lo! Gatty could not eat; so then Christie would not, because he refused her cheer.

For, just as the gardener was about to fling it angrily away, he recollected that the cook might use it for soup, though it could not be served up at table such a shape as it was!... And this was exactly what she did. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty "What a fuss is made about you, my dear little friends!" murmured the Wind, one day, to the flowers in a pretty villa garden.

Let him remain with his men and ship, and give us Smart and some guns, and we will go and explore." A dead silence followed this announcement of Schillie's. At last, exclaimed Gatty, "It will be capital fun." "So it will," said Sybil. "Most delightful," said Serena. "I want so much to climb up those cliffs," said Zoë. "I want to gather flowers," said Winny. "I want to kill a lion," said Oscar.

Gatty shewed the workings of her mind by the innumerable holes she was tearing in her poor handkerchief, while she earnestly begged the little girls to eat more, and called them stupid little apes when they did not.

"Poor, poor fellows, we must try to help them." Mother. "This is news indeed! and I quite agree with all your feelings. But, children, you must let us think. Imagine what dangers you run." Oscar. "But, Mother, the poor prisoners!" Felix. "And, oh Mother, perhaps they will eat them, as Friday was going to be eaten." Gatty. "Pray, pray, do let us try to release them." Sybil.

The point we were aiming for was the highest part of the island; hitherto we had great difficulty in forcing our way, though we all used our hatchets without remorse, Gatty bestowing much unnecessary labour in the matter. We were beginning to think our adventure rather stupid; not a sign of any animal had we seen, great or small, no dragons, no griffins, no snakes, no anything.

The moment we appeared on the top seemed the signal for a general commotion amongst our people, and they all came running round the bay to meet us; Gatty reached us first, followed closely by Serena. They could not speak, they were so completely out of breath; but the first thing Gatty could say was a vehement reproach for leaving them all day.

I am quite done up with you being such an owlet, Gatty." Gatty. "If you please, little Mother, I don't care about them at all. They are all dead, and they are nothing to me, and I only wish they had not lived, and then we should not have had such a long History of England to read through."

Gatty grumbled a little, indeed I don't think she would have worked had she not anticipated some amusement in watching the new arrivals, whilst they must be utterly ignorant of our existence. Schillie worked with a will; from the first I think she had a foreboding that all was not right about these people.

"But I have discovered something else," said Gatty, with a mischievous twinkling of her eyes, and opening a paper box, out sprang a horrible spider, three inches round I am sure, black and hairy, faintly spotted. Madame and Sybil fled, the little ones shrieked, Schillie scolded, and in the midst of the uproar the spider bolted, and peace was restored.