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A most valuable aid in dropsies due to heart deficiencies is the so- called dry diet, which means that as little liquid as possible should be taken in order that the patient's blood may resorb the exudate in the tissues and not have the blood vessels filled or overfilled with liquid from the gastro-intestinal tract.

By many writers it is believed to depend upon some form of auto-intoxication, the toxins being absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract, and those who suffer are supposed to possess what has been called an "arthritic diathesis." The localisation of the disease in a particular joint may be determined by several factors, of which trauma appears to be the most important.

The slightest deviation from the usual diet, the most trivial fatigue, a chill of the body, even a change in the temperature of the food may set loose the most extreme reactions in the gastro-intestinal tract motor, sensory, or secretory.

Undue liability to fatigue, irritability, instability, lack of control over the emotions, extreme suggestibility, prompt and exaggerated reactions to toxins of all sorts, excessive vasomotor reactions and anomalies of secretion, weakness of the gastro-intestinal apparatus these, and many other symptoms, are of everyday occurrence in the nervous child.

These gastro-intestinal disturbances which so afflicted him had their origin in the chronic liver trouble to which he finally succumbed. In the spring of 1812 he resolved by the advice of his physician to try the baths of Bohemia, and we find him at Töplitz, one of many notabilities, who were spending the summer at this place. Here he made the acquaintance of Goethe whom he held in great esteem.

Gastro-intestinal disturbances are met by ordinary medical means. Vomiting, for example, can sometimes be checked by effervescing drinks, such as citrate of caffein, or by dilute hydrocyanic acid and bismuth.

The vomit consists at first of the food, then it becomes bile-stained, and later dark coffee-grounds in appearance, due to extravasation of blood from the over-distended vessels in the gastric mucous membrane. Death may occur from shock, convulsions, collapse, exhaustion, or from starvation on account of chronic inflammation of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane. Post-Mortem Appearances.

The little fugitive pains and aches; the little changes in respiration; the rumblings and movements of the gastro-intestinal tract have no essential meaning in the majority of cases, but once they are watched with apprehension and anxiety, they multiply extraordinarily in number and intensity.

"Effect of fear on the gastro-intestinal juices," thought Basilio. Later he met Tadeo, who wore a Christmas face at last that eternal holiday seemed to be realized. "What has happened, Tadeo?" "We'll have no school, at least for a week, old man! Sublime! Magnificent!" He rubbed his hands in glee. "But what has happened?" "They're going to arrest all of us in the association."

The temperature remains normal; the circulatory, gastro-intestinal, nervous, and other functions are undisturbed; locally, the part is cool, of natural colour and free from pain.