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Well, so much the better for you Monsieur Gascogne," he replied with brutal frankness. "You would have ended by losing your post. The man is arrested?" "Not yet, Monsieur le Ministre; but he cannot escape, and it is merely an affair of a few hours."

Gerard will do Orlando, but rumor says he is epris of your sometime friend, Miss Meredith, and his memory is treacherous and his interest fitful. My new pictures arrived last week on the Gascogne. The Puvis de Chavannes is even more beautiful than I thought it in Paris. A pale dream-maiden sits by a pale dream-cow and a stream of anemic water flows at her feet.

Monferrand's first thought was that the Prefecture of Police desired to know his views respecting the steps which ought to be taken to ensure public order that day; for two mid-Lent processions one of the Washerwomen and the other of the Students were to march through Paris, whose streets would certainly be crowded. "Show Monsieur Gascogne in," he said.

"But tell me, Monsieur Gascogne," said he, "are you quite sure that this man Salvat committed the crime?" "Oh! perfectly sure, Monsieur le Ministre. He'll confess everything in the cab before he reaches the Prefecture." Monferrand again walked to and fro with a pensive air, and ideas came to him as he spoke on in a slow, meditative fashion.

Then Gascogne in his turn remarked: "There is also the Barthes affair, Monsieur le Ministre we are still waiting. Are we to arrest Barthes at that little house at Neuilly?" One of those chances which sometimes come to the help of detectives and make people think the latter to be men of genius had revealed to him the circumstance that Barthes had found a refuge with Abbe Pierre Froment.

Monferrand's first thought was that the Prefecture of Police desired to know his views respecting the steps which ought to be taken to ensure public order that day; for two mid-Lent processions one of the Washerwomen and the other of the Students were to march through Paris, whose streets would certainly be crowded. "Show Monsieur Gascogne in," he said.

"It is all over," some one whispers, and with backward glances at the charred, smoldering hill-top, they turn silently towards home. A few, sitting on the stone parapet of the bridge, remain to talk of the evening's magic, of the inspiration of the Cadets de Gascogne, and other scenes which their memory suggests, of wars and rumours of other wars.

Then Gascogne in his turn remarked: "There is also the Barthes affair, Monsieur le Ministre we are still waiting. Are we to arrest Barthes at that little house at Neuilly?" One of those chances which sometimes come to the help of detectives and make people think the latter to be men of genius had revealed to him the circumstance that Barthes had found a refuge with Abbe Pierre Froment.

Then he was about to dismiss him when the usher came back saying that the President of the Council was in the ante-room.* * The title of President of the Council is given to the French prime minister. Trans. "Barroux! Ah! dash it, then, Monsieur Gascogne, you had better go out this way. It is as well that nobody should meet you, as I wish you to keep silent respecting Salvat's arrest.

"But tell me, Monsieur Gascogne," said he, "are you quite sure that this man Salvat committed the crime?" "Oh! perfectly sure, Monsieur le Ministre. He'll confess everything in the cab before he reaches the Prefecture." Monferrand again walked to and fro with a pensive air, and ideas came to him as he spoke on in a slow, meditative fashion.