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Winter held on tenaciously and mercilessly, but it has let go. The great sun is high on his northern journey, and the vegetation, and the bird-singing, and the loud frog- chorus, the tree budding and blowing, are all upon us; and the glorious grass super-best of earth's garniture with its ever-satisfying green. The king-birds have come, and the corn-planter, the scolding bob-o-link.

It was at first a shapeless and unpromising bantling; but being introduced to the patronage of a conclave of experienced drynurses, it speedily became developed in form and proportion; and before it was ten days old, was formally introduced, with official garniture, to the expectant public, by whom it was received with general approbation and favour.

Winter held on tenaciously and mercilessly, but it has let go. The great sun is high on his northern journey, and the vegetation, and the bird-singing, and the loud frog- chorus, the tree budding and blowing, are all upon us; and the glorious grass super-best of earth's garniture with its ever-satisfying green. The king-birds have come, and the corn-planter, the scolding bob-o-link.

Hast thou ever meditated on that word, Tradition: how we inherit not Life only, but all the garniture and form of Life; and work, and speak, and even think and feel, as our Fathers, and primeval grandfathers, from the beginning, have given it us? Not the Herren Stillschweigen and Company; but Cadmus of Thebes, Faust of Mentz, and innumerable others whom thou knowest not.

If you wish to wear and use such garniture, you are welcome, but it shall not be in my house or in my company." Conachar seemed rather to kindle at this rebuke than to submit to it.

"What!" said the Queen, looking round, and affecting surprise, "there are then stools in this apartment one, two no less than four, including the broken one a royal garniture! We observed them not will it please your ladyship to sit?"

It is a truism of social life that far more distinctiveness is attached to the seemingly democratic severity of evening dress than to any other class of masculine garniture. Medenham now looked exactly what he was a man born and bred in the purple. No one could possibly mistake this well-groomed soldier for Dale or Simmonds.

Then there was a pause, during which, at the desire of Monsieur de Fontanges, Newton was offered a chair, and sat down. "Allons dites lui les noms de toute la garniture," said Madame de Fontanges to her attendants. "Oui, madame," said Mimi, going up to Newton, and pointing to the fan in her hand, "eventail."

Where is the woman who, when she has been pleased, will not show her pleasure by some sign in her outward garniture? But still there was anxiety. "Will he call me Carry?" the girl had asked. He had not done so when he pronounced her pardon at the mill door. Though they were standing together they had not decided on any line of action.

The tardiness of your proposal is unerring appraiser of its costliness; and I were a monster of cruelty to debar you the sight of your idol, though I bring him with the grim garniture of chains and handcuffs.