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To Emily Winston we have always accorded the title of Mrs. Garie; whilst, in reality, she had no legal claim to it whatever. Previous to their emigration from Georgia, Mr. Garie had, on one or two occasions, attempted, but without success, to make her legally his wife.

I let him shoot off my pistol toder day, and he pat de ball smack through de bull's eye dat boy is gwine to be a perfect Ramrod." "Oh, pa," laughingly interrupted little Clarence; "I've been telling him of what you read to me about Nimrod being a great hunter." "That's quite a mistake, Eph," said Mr. Garie, joining in the laugh.

If you can arrange anything with him at all advantageous to the children, I shall be satisfied, it will be more than I expect; only bear in mind, that what I have in my hands belonging to Garie we must retain, he knows nothing of that." "Very well," rejoined Mr. Balch, "depend upon it I'll do my best;" and closing the door, he went back to Mr. Stevens. "Now, Mr.

His lawyer here showed me a copy of the letters and papers which are to be used as evidence, and, I must say, they are entirely without flaw. He proves himself, undoubtedly, to be the first cousin of Mr. Garie. I am, therefore, very much afraid that they are entirely at his mercy." "Well, then," said Walters, when Mr. "We must hope for the best," rejoined Mr. Balch.

At noon they came, and were shown into the drawing-room, where Emily received them. Mr. Bates bowed politely, and expressed a hope that Mr. Garie was better. Emily held out her hand to little Birdie, who clasped it in both her own, and said, inquiringly: "You are his sister?" "Yes," answered Emily. "You, I should have known from Clarence's description you are his little Birdie?"

"Oh, no, dear, no forgive me, Garie do, pray, forgive me you are kindness itself believe me, I did not think to hurt your feelings by saying what I did. I know you do not treat me or them as though we were slaves. But I cannot help feeling that we are such and it makes me very sad and unhappy sometimes. If anything should happen that you should be taken away suddenly, think what would be our fate.

This was by no means an easy matter, as the horses appeared quite restive, and fully required his undivided attention. The rather unsteady motion of the carriage caused its inmate to put his head out of the window, and Mr. Garie recognized his uncle John, who lived in the north-western part of the state, on the borders of Alabama.

Stevens, very much confused; "I meant, or should have said, three years." "Then, of course you were aware that Mr. Garie was your cousin when he took the house beside you?" "Oh, yes that is yes yes; I was aware of it." "And did you make any overtures of a social character?" asked Mr. Balch. "Well, yes that is to say, my wife did." "Where were you the night of the murder?" Mr.

Stevens approached his house, a handsome carriage drove up to the door of his neighbour, and Mr. Garie and his wife, who had been enjoying a drive along the bank of the river, alighted and entered their residence. The rustle of her rich silk dress grated harshly on his ear, and the soft perfume that wafted toward him as she glided by, was the very reverse of pleasant to him. Mr.

Garie gave rent to many expressions of delight at the appearance of the city. "Oh, what a sweet place! everything is so bright and fresh-looking; why the pavement and doorsteps look as if they were cleaned twice a day. Just look at that house, how spotless it is; I hope ours resembles that. Ours is a new house, is it not?" she inquired.