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None stood their ground before him; the Prussian artillerymen abandoned their pieces and sprang over the garden-hedge, despite the cries of their officers who sought to keep them back.

"I suppose," said Andy Morrow, "you had a famous dinner, Shane?" "'Tis you that may say that, Mr. Morrow," replied Shane: "but the house, you see, wasn't able to hould one-half of us; so there was a dozen or two tables borrowed from the neighbors and laid one after another in two rows, on the green, beside the river that ran along the garden-hedge, side by side.

Tess hastily explained that he had been called away on business, and, leaving her interlocutor, clambered over the garden-hedge, and thus made her way to the house. As she went up the garden-path she heard her mother singing by the back door, coming in sight of which she perceived Mrs Durbeyfield on the doorstep in the act of wringing a sheet.

"Say 'husband." She seemed almost inclined to give him the word; but exclaiming, "No, no; I cannot," slipped through the garden-hedge and disappeared. Fitzpiers did not exaggerate when he told her that he should haunt the precincts of the dwelling.

Shrapnel stopped, facing the visible master of men, at the end of his walk before he turned his back to continue the exercise and some discourse he was holding aloud either to the heavens or bands of invisible men. 'Ahem, Dr. Shrapnel! He was accosted twice, the second time imperiously. He saw two gentlemen outside the garden-hedge. 'I spoke, sir, said Captain Baskelett.

It stood within a garden-hedge, and seemed to be roomy and comfortable. He saw an elderly woman, with whom he made arrangements to come the same night, since there was no inn in the place, and he wished to house himself as soon as possible; the village being a local centre from which he was to radiate at once to the different small chapels in the neighbourhood.

The second daughter must be taken and brought to a mounted guard that will be ready behind the garden-hedge, to bear her off to the mountains they know themselves where. I will overteek them, or perhaps be there by the upper road before them.

Burton!" cried Glyn, stepping to the garden-hedge and shouting loudly, with the effect that as soon as the little fellow realised who called he came bounding towards him, but every now and then with a slight limp. "Just a quiet word or two that you are sorry you hurt him; and I want you to show it afterwards not in words."

The cold moon looked aslant upon Tess's fagged face between the twigs of the garden-hedge as she paused outside the cottage which was her temporary home, d'Urberville pausing beside her. "Don't mention my little brothers and sisters don't make me break down quite!" she said. "If you want to help them God knows they need it do it without telling me. But no, no!" she cried.

She answered only with a little sigh, as if weakness was such a weariness! and looked away across the garden-hedge out into the infinite into more of it at least I think, than Faber recognized. "And of all things," he went on, "wear shoes every time you have to step off a carpet not mere foot-gloves like those."