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We are a great nation, and nowhere is our greatness more conspicuous than in the education of our youth. The young Frenchman seems to fulfil his destiny, when, having drawn on a pair of the most tight-fitting kid gloves, of that precise shade of colour so approved of by Madame Laffarge, he saunters forth on the Boulevard de Gand, or lounges in the coulisse of the opera.

Every thing seems conducted much in the same manner, of which I had occasion to notice the advantages at Vilvorde. There is a theatre; but those who have lately arrived from Brussels or Lisle will not be much struck with the merits of the performers. From Gand to Ostend and Dunkirk there are no public conveyances, except along the canals.

We find also the name of Samuel Champlain, captain of the king's marine, of Isaac de Razilly, chevalier de St. Jean de Jérusalem, Sébastien Cramoisy, the famous printer; François de , Sieur Gand, and many important merchants of Paris, Rouen, Calais, Dieppe, Bordeaux, Lyons, Bayonne, and Havre de Grâce.

He was indefatigable night and day in getting his boats together and providing his munitions of war. He dug a canal from Sas de Gand which was one of his principal depots all the way to Sluys, because the water-communication between those two points was entirely in the hands of the Hollanders and Zeelanders.

Our route back to Paris was rendered very agreeable by the lively and clever conversation of the Comtesse de Gand. I have rarely met with a more amusing person.

He who fed the famishin' would bid ye eat noo. But wait a bit till ye see what I'll bring ye." In a moment he was back with a dainty basket of Triomphe de Gand strawberries, and Edith uttered an exclamation of delight as she inhaled their delicious aroma. "They are the first ripe the season, an' noo see what the gudewife will do with them."

"Yes; Gand is the French name of the place," replied Dr. Winstock. "There are many cities in Europe which you would not recognize by their foreign appellations." As the train stopped the whistle of the Young America's boatswain called the students together, and Mr. Lowington told them they could stay only two hours in the place.