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I receive my salary regularly at the end of each month not a franc extra, though I have done many things which are not part of a courier's proper work. Fancy the Baron trying to borrow money of me! he is an inveterate gambler. I didn't believe it when my lady's maid first told me so but I have seen enough since to satisfy me that she was right.

The "biggest hotel man in the country" looked at the greenest young innkeeper, and there was satisfaction in his bright black eyes. "Not any thanks, son. Should have croaked in one week more if I couldn't have worked off a few pounds of high pressure. This sort of thing to me's like a game to a gambler as I told you.

This type of man may be a gambler, a grafting politician, a confidence man, a promoter of wild-cat stocks or bonds, the man who sits behind the scenes and directs a band of criminals or, perhaps, a whole community of them, or in some other way preys upon the gullibility of the public.

I was in that desperate state of mind, in which the gambler, after successive losses, stakes upon a card his last remaining coin. I plucked up courage, sent for a cab, and was driven to the de Commarin mansion." The old amateur detective here allowed a sigh of satisfaction to escape him. "It is one of the most magnificent houses, in the Faubourg St.

She hurried out, leaving him alone with the clock, the cat, and the hostler, who was spraying the sidewalk under the cotton-wood-trees. Quivering with fear of the girl's refusal, the gambler rose and went out into the sunsmit streets to commune with this new-found self. Life was no longer simple for Mrs. Gilman. It was, indeed, filled with a wind of terror.

You won a straight bet from a crooked gambler, and if I haven't had a million dollars' worth of fun out of this transaction I hope I may marry a hula-hula woman and I've passed my three score and ten and ought to know better!" "But about this man MacGregor " "Don't worry about him. The Scotch are a hardy race and Mac is a sailor. Joey, I know sailors. The scoundrels have a wife in every port!"

As a rule, whenever one goes to this kind of place one meets people one has seen before. We gamblers are a caste a sect part!" "I can't bear to hear you call yourself a gambler," said Sylvia in a low voice. Anna laughed good-humouredly. "Believe me, my dear, there is not the difference you apparently think there is between a gambler and the man who has never touched a card."

His drinking, however, like everything else about him, had a motive; and, instead of trying to appear sober, like other drunkards, he rather wished to appear a little elevated. In addition to his other acquirements, Q was a most accomplished gambler.

"What Bill did learn later was that Tom had become an inveterate gambler, and had lost his money at cards, and went away from college leaving many debts unpaid. "The father of the boys was a manufacturer, and was also president of the bank in the little city where they lived.

I had heard something of Colonel P ; that he was considered to be immensely rich, and known to be a deep gambler, but I never understood that he was a victim of weak or imaginary fears, and I was therefore inclined to doubt the truth of the reason assigned by the unsuspecting invalid, for the scrupulous delicacy of her husband's affection and solicitude.