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"There," said Hugh, finally, "that is all done, and I think fills the bill. I'll go after the galvanized iron wash-tub now." "Be sure and fetch the biggest one you can," suggested the greedy Thad, with a sly grin. "You see, we ought to deal generously with our guests, even if they're uninvited ones. I believe in going the whole hog when about it."

"Doing any good?" asked a pallid young man with a twitching face, like that of a galvanized corpse, as he met a weary-eyed woman in mourning, whose bare hands glittered with rings. "No," she answered peevishly. "You never saw such tables all running to intermittences. Nobody can do anything, except the old man who lives on two-one."

The small but vigorous orchestra was playing a fox-trot on the far veranda, and the sound of shuffling feet resembled that of a man cleaning something with sandpaper. There was an army of flies on the screen door of the kitchen and on several galvanized iron bins stuffed with ginger-ale bottles and orange peel. "We'll leave the car here," said Harry, "and go and have a look for the cottage.

He might act as though she were a man bent on avenging a mortal injury. There was no leisure then to speculate on how Bud had gotten here that he was here with his gaze fixed in that galvanized fashion on the girl was a sufficient cause for apprehension.

The rumbling of the vehicles, the resounding hoofs and the resonant voice of the stable boy awakened the young lord of the manor in his chamber above. He stretched himself sleepily, swore and again composed himself for slumber, when the noise of a property trunk, thumping its way down the front stairs a step at a time, galvanized him into life and consciousness.

Darting from the galvanized mummy whom he had selected as his partner, Margrave shot to Mrs. Poyntz's side, and said, "Ten thousand pardons for quitting you so soon, but the clock warns me that I have an engagement elsewhere." In another moment he was gone. The dance halted, people seemed slowly returning to their senses, looking at each other bashfully and ashamed.

That galvanized her into action, and she flew to the light buttons, flooding both the dining and the main salons. She helped Cleigh to place Dennison on the lounge. After that it was her affair. Dennison was alive, but how much alive could be told only by the hours. She bathed and bandaged his head. Beyond that she could do nothing but watch and wait.

The secondary fact is Society, secondary, but reciprocal, and full of import. And Mr. Buckle begins with making Personality acephalous, and ends-with appending its corpse to Society, to be galvanized into seemings of life.

In order to do away with this inconvenience, Mr. This rubber, whose lower extremity is bent back like the bell of a trumpet, forms a washer against which there is applied a galvanized iron ring that is fixed to the mouth of the outlet pipe by means of six small screws.

Again there came the sound of the piano, a tremendous chord, then a slow-swelling volume of harmony, a muffled burst of music like the coming of a great procession still far away. Avery sprang upright as one galvanized into action by an electric force. "I cannot bear it!" she cried aloud, "I cannot bear it!" She almost thrust Jeanie from her. "Oh, go, child, go!