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"The improvement has been remarkable ever since his foot touched his native heath." "You don't say so," said Mr. Gallosh, with even greater interest. "Was he delicate before?" "A London life, Mr. Gallosh." "True true, he'll have been busy seeing his friends; it'll have been verra wearing." "The anxiety, the business of being invested, and so on, has upset him a trifle.

"I adore everything Highland! Oh, Lord Tulliwuddle, how fortunate you are!" Nature had gifted Miss Gallosh with a generous share of romantic sentiment.

"Duncan Gallosh to be looking for bogles is pretty ridiculous but oh, I can't refuse to disoblige his lordship." "I should think not, when he's done you the honor to invite you out of all his friends!" said Mrs. Gallosh warmly. "Eva! do you hear the compliment that's been paid your papa?" Eva, their fair eldest daughter, came into the room at a run.

Your chief, your friend, your father requests me to express to you the sentiments which his over-wrought emotions prevent him from uttering himself. On his behalf I tender to his kind and courteous friends, Mr., Mrs., and the fair maids Gallosh, the thanks of a long-absent exile returned to his native land for the welcome they have given him!

Then followed the approach of the Gallosh family, attired in costumes of Harris tweed and tartan selected and arranged under the artistic eye of Count Bunker, and escorted, to their huge delight, by six picked clansmen. Their formal presentation having been completed by a last skirl on the bagpipes, the whole party moved in procession to the banqueting-hall.

Vas zere any news of ze Galloshes?" "Yes, they seem very well. Old Rentoul has caught a salmon. Gallosh hopes to get a fair bag " "Bot did zey say nozing about about Miss Eva?" "The letter was written by her, you see." "SHE wrote to YOU! Strange!" "Very odd, isn't it?" The Baron meditated for a minute and then inquired "Vat of ze Maddisons?" "Well, I gather that Mr.

So far north there was indeed a gleam of daylight left, but it was such a pale and ghostly ray, and the wreaths of mist swept so eerily and silently across the pane, that candle-light and shadows seemed vastly preferable. "How much more time will there be?" whispered Mr. Gallosh presently. "It is twenty-five minutes to twelve." "Your lordship! Can we leave at twelve?" The Baron started.

With his old roar of exuberant gusto the Baron announced, in a voice that drowned even the five ministers "Ach, yes, I vill toss ze caber to-morrow! I vill toss him so high!" "How long shall he be? So tall as my castle: Mees Gallosh, you shall help me? Ach, yes! Mit hands so fair ze caber vill spring like zis!"

"Then, Count, we shall see you all to-morrow," said Eleanor as they parted. "Please tell your hosts that I am very greatly looking forward to the pleasure of knowing them. There is a Miss Gallosh, isn't there?" The Count informed her that there was in fact such a lady. "That is very good news for me!

Gallosh took one or two faltering steps. "Man, it's awful hard to see one's way," he said nervously. The Baron took the candle, and with a martial stride escorted him to the window. They pulled aside one corner of the heavy curtain, and then let it fall again and hurried back.