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He looked at the ghost for a moment, and kept on lighting his cigarette, when a galloot up in the gallery said, so everybody could hear it, "He don't scare worth a damn!" and the audience went fairly wild, while the pretty girl stood there and blushed as though her heart would break. Such things are wrong. Probably one of the meanest tricks that was ever, played was played on Mary Anderson.

"'Jorinder! make hell of the galley-fire! Heat some irons red and fetch out a bucket of pitch. We'll learn this dandy galloot his manners! "Wrought to the snapping-point of desperation, I sprang at and closed with him; and we went down on the floor together with a heavy crash. I was weaponless, but I would choke and strangle him with my hands. I had him under, my fingers crookt in his throat.

The man who says that is a liar, a scoundrel, and a coward." "Well, anyhow, Joe Johnston is relieved of the command." "What?" "General Joseph E. Johnston is relieved." "What is that you say?" "General Joseph E. Johnston is relieved, and Hood appointed in his place." "You are a liar, and if you will come out and show yourself I will shoot you down in your tracks, you lying Yankee galloot."

P'r'aps Exciseman Jones's predecessor had failed to secure the confidence o' the exekitive. At any rate, the new man was little to the fancy of the village. He was a grim, sour-looking, brass-bound galloot; and incorruptible which was the worst.