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No Name Series, "Signor Monaldini's Niece." Poe, "Poems." Arnold, "Light of Asia." Swinburne, "Atalanta." Auguez, "Histoire de France." Amiers, "Olanda." St. Simon, "Louis XIV. et sa Cour." Paradol, "La France Nouvelle." Caesar, "De Bello Gallico." Palgrave, "Golden Treasury." Milton, "Poems." Milton, do. Milton, "Areopagitica." Stevenson, "Inland Voyage." Stevenson, "Travels with a Donkey."

Cum Caesar in Galliam venit, alterius factionis principes erant Haedui, alterius Sequani." De Bello Gallico, lib. vi. capp. 11, 12. Even Dion Cassius speaks of the Germans as Keltoi. "Id se ab ipsis per eorum nuntios compertum habere, quorum omnium gratiam atque amicitiam ejus morte redimere posset." De Bell. Gall., i. 44.

On Wednesday, the fifth of February, about one in the afternoon, the earth was convulsed in that part of Calabria which is bounded by the rivers of Gallico and Metramo, by the mountains Jeio, Sagra, and Caulone, and the coast between these rivers and the Tuscan Sea.

We'd nothing to do, and had gone just where we liked, or rather just where Carroll had liked; and Carroll had had the De Bello Gallico in his pocket, and had had a notion, I fancy, of taking in the whole ground of the Roman conquest I remember he lugged me off to some place or other, Pourrières I believe its name was, because I forget how many thousands were killed in a river-bed there, and they stove in the water-casks so that if the men wanted water they'd have to go forward and fight for it.

LIVY mentions it as one of the prodigies which were to be "expiated" on the approach of a rupture with Macedon, that "in Gallico agro qua induceretur aratrum sub glebis pisces emersisse," thus taking it out of the category of natural occurrences.

I had some lessons with S.B. Mills, and later did considerable valuable work with Paolo Gallico, who opened up to me the great storehouse of musical treasure, and revealed to me among other things the spiritual technic of the pianist's art. Subsequently I investigated the Virgil and Leschetizky methods. Mr.

Works: Latin folio, Rome, 1469; Venice, 1471; Florence, 1514; London, 1585. Works: Translated by W. Duncan, 1753, 1755; by M. Bladen, 8th ed., 1770; MacDevitt, Bohn's Library, 1848. De Bello Gallico, translated by R. Mongan, Dublin, 1850; by J.B. Owgan and C.W. Bateman, 1882. Caesar's Gallic War, translated by Rev.

Thus he won back to France, no whit the better for his expedition, and the only mark of his passage which he left behind him was an obscene ailment, which, with the coming of the French into Italy, first manifested itself in Europe, and which the Italians paid them the questionable compliment of calling "the French disease" morbo gallico, or il mal francese.

I regret to tell you that it is a translation of Cæsar's De Bello Gallico; in fact, what is commonly known as a 'crib'. That any girl in my class could so have lost her self-respect as to condescend to use it to prepare her lesson, fills me with shame, as it shows such an absolute lowering of the high standard of honour which we have always tried to maintain.

For you may see him, through the eyes of Paride de Grassi, unable one Good Friday to remove his shoes for the adoration of the cross in consequence of his foot's affliction ex morbo gallico.