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Galician Romanesque and that of Western Castile, for instance, are almost totally different in aspect: the former is exceedingly poetical and possesses carved wall decorations both rich and excellent; the latter is intensely strong and warlike, and the decorations, if employed at all, are Byzantine, or at least Oriental in taste.

Her writings are somewhat difficult for anyone not conversant with Portuguese, or, rather, with the Galician variety of the Spanish language, for the number of words not to be found in the Spanish dictionary interfere with the pleasure experienced by a foreigner, and even some Castilians, in reading her novels.

Azua de Compostela, about 83 miles west of Santo Domingo City, was founded by Diego de Velazquez in 1504 at a point four miles southwest of its present location. It was first called Compostela after a Galician official who held some property here, but the Indian name of the region prevailed.

He was the creator of the Science of Judaism in the Italian language, but above all he was a Hebrew writer. The notes in these editions of his are ingenious and scientific. His chief distinction is that he was a romantic Jew. His patriotic heart was chilled by the attacks upon the Jewish religion and upon Jewish nationalism by the German and Galician humanists.

"To teach a lot of Galician children." "Well," said Brown, "I admit I have come partially for my health. You see, I am constitutionally inclined " "Oh, come now," said French, "as my friend Kalman would remark, cut it out." "Partially for my health, and partially for the good of the country. These people here exist as an undigested foreign mass.

Indeed, Samuel Sprink, young though he was and unlearned in the ways of the world, was the only man in the city that Rosenblatt feared. If by any means Samuel could obtain a hold over this young lady, he would soon bring her to the dust. Once in Samuel's power, she would soon sink to the level of the ordinary Galician wife.

The Galician paused with a scornful exclamation. "He says that's nothing," interpreted Kalman. "You can't hurt a man that way." "Can't, eh? Tell him to come on, but to look out." Again the Galician came forward, evidently determined to land one blow at least.

In the course of this investigation it came to light that the Prussian state railways were used as a means of discriminating against the American oil. American oil came to Germany through the port of Hamburg, and the Galician and Roumanian oil through the frontier town of Oderberg.

They labored under the delusion that positive reasoning could carry conviction to a people immersed in mystical speculation, crushed by the double yoke of ceremonialism and an inferior social position, and sustained only by the Messianic hope of a glorious future. If Galician humanism never spread beyond the small circles of the literary, it was only what might have been expected.

"Let me come with you," she said to Paulina, while the tears coursed down her cheeks. The Galician woman understood not a word, but the touch upon her arm, the tone in the voice, the flowing tears were a language she could understand.