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It opens the delicious sense of indeterminate size, and inspires an audacious mental habit. We are as elastic as the gas of gunpowder, and a sentence in a book, or a word dropped in conversation, sets free our fancy, and instantly our heads are bathed with galaxies, and our feet tread the floor of the Pit.

But with the gyroscopes as erratic as they were, there was no way of knowing which direction they had come; they were lost in space! "Well, there are lots of galaxies we can go to," said Arcot. "We ought to be able to find a nice one and stay there if we can't get home again." "Sure," Wade replied, "but I like Earth! If only we hadn't all passed out! What caused that, Arcot?" Arcot shrugged.

Through the dark, through the void, with his own crew cursing him for taking the chance! No one had ever crossed between galaxies and remember, they were using the Ancient Math!" He paused, and Bart said through a catch of breath. "Quite an achievement." His badge still looked reassuringly yellow. "You young people have no sense of wonder," Vorongil said. "Not that I blame you.

Newton, watching the apple fall to the earth, was able to look beyond, to see the subtle waves of force pulsating through apples and worlds and suns and galaxies, and thus to perceive universal gravitation. The Oversoul, looking through his eyes, recognized the universal force, one of its own children.