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Meanwhile the fishermen had finished carrying the fish into the ice-house. The joyous crowd dispersed on their homeward way, not without cheers for the feast-giver, the generous Baron von Levetinczy. Timar stayed till Galambos had packed the fogasch-king in a box, between ice and hay, and nailed the lid down.

I will keep guard I often watch all night. I will go out now and then and fire my gun; that will send all the four-footed fishermen to the right-about." This satisfied Galambos, who invoked God's blessing on his master, and trotted away. The deaf vine-dresser, the only other inhabitant of Timar's house, had long been asleep.

Louis Galambos, a business historian at Johns Hopkins University, published a 1994 paper titled "The Triumph of Oligopoly". In it, he strove to explain why firms and managers and even consumers prefer oligopolies to both monopolies and completely free markets with numerous entrants. Oligopolies, as opposed to monopolies, attract less attention from trustbusters.

He told her how much he had been entertained, and how he had quite lost his head, and even ventured on a dance with a pretty peasant girl on the ice. Some men write these amusing letters when they are contemplating suicide. When the letter was ready he took it to the driver. The old fisherman was there too. "Go home now, Galambos," Michael advised. "You must be tired."

They were preparing for the first catch of the season next day; he gave orders to his steward to have ready plenty of wine and malt brandy. Galambos, the old fishing overseer, predicted a large haul. One good sign was that the lake had frozen so early. At this time, just before spawning, the fish come up the gulf in shoals. It was a still better omen that Herr von Levetinczy had come himself.

The carp jump like water-rats, but no one notices they can not get away. The lazier fishes lie in heaps on both sides. "I said so," murmured old Galambos; "I knew we should have a good catch. Wherever our gracious master shows himself, luck comes with him. If only we could catch the fogasch-king." "If I am not mistaken, we've got him in there," said the man who was next him at the rope.

Quoted in the Wall Street Journal on March 8, 1999, Galambos wrote: "Oligopolistic competition proved to be beneficial ... because it prevented ossification, ensuring that managements would keep their organizations innovative and efficient over the long run."

About the same time, the fishermen at Fured found Herr von Levetinczy's gun entangled in a net. Now all was explained. Old Galambos remembered all about it. The gracious master had said to him that if foxes and wolves came down on to the lake in the night, he would go out with his gun and have a shot at them.

The moment the sun had passed through the earth-fogs, its glorious rays leaped forth. The fishing-captain Galambos cried from the distance to Timar, "Now you will hear something. Don't be afraid! Ho! ho!" "Afraid!" thought Timar, shrugging his shoulders, incredulously. What in the world could frighten him now? He would soon know.