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The open space adjoining it commands a splendid view to the north. There, too, on the parapet-wall, may be seen the hoof-marks of the horse of the robber-king, Ekkelein von Gailingen.

Apollonius von Gailingen was a brigand chief who brought much damage and vexation on the town. "Now, if the boy can drink three times the mystic seven, he will do what I could do at his age."

As if she did not know full well that, since Eppelein of Gailingen was cast into prison, our land has never been such a den of murder and robbery as at this day. If there is less dust to be seen on the high-ways, said the keeper, it is by reason that it is washed away in blood. And notwithstanding all this the crazy maid runs straight into the Devil's arms, with that old dolt."

Apollonius von Gailingen was a brigand chief who brought much damage and vexation on the town. "Now, if the boy can drink three times the mystic seven, he will do what I could do at his age."

As if she did not know full well that, since Eppelein of Gailingen was cast into prison, our land has never been such a den of murder and robbery as at this day. If there is less dust to be seen on the high-ways, said the keeper, it is by reason that it is washed away in blood. And notwithstanding all this the crazy maid runs straight into the Devil's arms, with that old dolt."

As if she did not know full well that, since Eppelein of Gailingen was cast into prison, our land has never been such a den of murder and robbery as at this day. If there is less dust to be seen on the high-ways, said the keeper, it is by reason that it is washed away in blood. And notwithstanding all this the crazy maid runs straight into the Devil's arms, with that old dolt."

Apollonius von Gailingen was a brigand chief who brought much damage and vexation on the town. "Now, if the boy can drink three times the mystic seven, he will do what I could do at his age."