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Neither death nor time can pairt them that luve; there's naethin' in a' the warld sae strong as luve. If Annie gaes frae the sichot' yir een she 'ill come the nearer tae yir hert.

"Ou, I ken this about it, Monkbarns and what profit have I for telling ye a lie? l just ken this about it, that about twenty years syne, I, and a wheen hallenshakers like mysell, and the mason-lads that built the lang dike that gaes down the loaning, and twa or three herds maybe, just set to wark, and built this bit thing here that ye ca' the the Praetorian, and a' just for a bield at auld Aiken Drum's bridal, and a bit blithe gae-down wi' had in't, some sair rainy weather.

"Yes, so it seems," said the housekeeper. "Aweel then, see here. This letter begins 'My ain dear Wifie, ye mind? 'My ain dear Wifie' and gaes on wi' a lot o' luve, and a' that, whilk I need na read, till ye. And it ends, look here 'Your devoted husband ARONDELLE. There! what do ye think o' that?" "I'm so astonished, ma'am, I don't know what to think."

Again he spoke to the men in Gaelic, and they moved out of the hut. Turning to me, he said, "Com in when ta licht gaes oot!" He had the right to be alone with his dead. I wrung his hand and left him. When I looked back from the doorway, he was filling his bag with wind, but stopped to say, "Weird mun hae way." And as he said it he smiled. I crossed the road to the edge of the dip.

Burnbrae gaes aff tae get a goon for his wife or a buke for his college laddie, an' Lachlan Campbell 'ill no leave the place noo without a ribbon for Flora. "Ilka man in the Kildrummie train has some bit fairin' in his pooch for the fouk at hame that he's bocht wi' the siller he won. Ou, ay! A' 've seen it a' at ither hooses, though they tried tae hide it frae me for fear a' wud lauch at them.

It was as easy aye, it was easier! to work while I waited, since wait I must. I hauled down my old greasy working clothes, and went off to the pithead. They were glad enough to take me on gladder, I'm thinkin', than I was to be taken. But it was sair hard to hear the other miners laughing at me. "There he gaes the stickit comic," I heard one man say, as I passed.

A song, if folks are going to like it, has to be thought out wi' the greatest care. I keep a great scrapbook, and it gaes wi' me everywhere I go. In it I put doon everything that occurs tae me that may help to make a new song, or that will make an old one go better. I'll see a queer yin in the street, maybe.

"Well, well never mind that," said the Antiquary "happy is he that is his own valley-de-sham, as you call it But why disturb my morning's rest?" "Ou, sir, the great man's been up since peep o' day, and he's steered the town to get awa an express to fetch his carriage, and it will be here briefly, and he wad like to see your honour afore he gaes awa."

"What is the expense of cutting your reflections short, Mr. Bishopriggs?" "Thirdly, and lastly, if ye canna agree wi' her as time gaes on if there's incompaitibeelity of temper betwixt ye in short, if ye want a wee bit separation, hech, Sirs! ye pet yer hand in yer poaket, and come to an aimicable understandin' wi' her in that way.

Now, I say the march rins on the tap o' the hill where the wind and water shears; but Jock o' Dawston Cleugh again, he contravenes that, and says that it bauds down by the auld drove-road that gaes awa by the Knot o' the Gate ower to Keeldar Ward; and that makes an unco difference. 'And what difference does it make, friend? said Pleydell. 'How many sheep will it feed?