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That is," said the laird, "when it's just and this is just. Alexander, my bonny man " "I'm here, father." "I've been lying here, gaeing up and down in my thoughts, a bairn again with my grandmither, gaeing up and down the braes and by the glen. I want to say somewhat to you. When you see an adder set your heel upon it! When a wolf goes by take your firelock and after him!

Aloud she said, "Aweel, sir, Mr. Alexander that will be laird is coming hame frae foreign parts?" "Yes." "Sic a wanderer as he has been! But there!" said Mrs. Macmurdo, "ony that saw him when he was a laddie gaeing here and gaeing there by his lane-some, glen and brae and muir, might ha' said, 'Ye're a wanderer and as sune as ye may ye'll wander farther!" "You're quite right, Mrs.

"Twice to Carlisle fair," says I, for I am a man wha loves the truth; and besides I kenned that the factor would mind my gaeing there, for I bargained fur twa steers and a stirk that he wanted for the stockin' o' the Drumleugh Fairm. "I learn frae Maister McNeil," says General Heatherstone for him it was and nane ither "that ye canna write." "Na," says I. "Nor read?" "Na," says I.

"I'm going to afternoon kirk, and I'll be getting ready." She went into the room that she shared with Gilian and shut the door. Robin looked after her. "When is Gilian coming home?" "Naebody knows. She is sae weel at Aberdeen! They write that she is a great student and is liked abune a', and they clamor to keep her. Are ye gaeing to second kirk, Robin?" "I do not think so.

He looked at the red west, and drew his plaid about him, and took firmer clutch upon his staff. "But the lassie does not love you?" "My trust is that she may come to do so." The elder got to his feet. Alexander rose also. "It's coming night! Ye will be gaeing on over the muir to the House?" "Yes. Then, sir, I may come to White Farm, or meet her when I may, and have my chance?" "Aye.

"Eh, Glenfernie! is there news of the lassie?" "None. You've got the sight. Can you not see?" "It's gane from me! When it gaes I'm just like ony bird with a broken wing." "If you cannot see, what do you think?" "I dinna want to think and I dinna want to say. Whaur be ye gaeing now?" "On over the moor and down by the Kelpie's Pool." "Gae on then. I'll watch for ye coming back." He went on.

I was gaeing alang wi' the yowes, and there was he and Drummielaw riding and gabbing. Sae there cam on a skirling and jumping wind and rain, and we a' gat under a tree, the yowes and the dogs and Glenfernie and Drummielaw and me. Then we changed gude day and they went on gabbing. And 'Nae, says Glenfernie, 'I am nae lawyer and I am nae sodger.

And they say that you are amaist as weel as ever but to me you look twelve years older! Eh, and this warld has brought gray into my hair! Father's gane to kirk session, and Gilian's awa'." He sat down beside her. Her hands went on paring apples, while her eyes and tongue were busy elsewhere. "They say you're gaeing to travel." "Yes. I'm starting very soon."

"I reckon if leetle Margery were livin', she'd feel in the verra same way gin anny misfortune happed to me," he told himself. "Aw, weel, lassie!" Thus he spoke aloud. "Since ye're set on gaeing on a wee bit further, we'll gang; but dinna get yer hopes stickit on finding onything!" "Andrew Andrew, himself, has found something! Look look at him!"

Ye'll please me best by no wantin to please me; and ye'll please God best by duin what he's putten intil yer hert as the richt thing, and the bonny thing, and the true thing, though ye suld dee i' the duin o' 't. Tell me what ye're thinkin o' duin. 'What but gaeing efter this new commission they hae promised me?