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She soon perceived that more in her immediate line was to be obtained from Undy than from her own member of the Gaberlunzie family, and hence had sprung up her intimacy with Mrs. Tudor. It cannot be said that Gertrude was very fond of the Honourable Mrs. Val, nor even of her daughter, Clementina Golightly, who was more of her own age.

"Ou ay I'll aye come for my awmous as usual, and whiles I wad be fain o' a pickle sneeshin, and ye maun speak to the constable and ground-officer just to owerlook me; and maybe ye'll gie a gude word for me to Sandie Netherstanes, the miller, that he may chain up his muckle dog I wadna hae him to hurt the puir beast, for it just does its office in barking at a gaberlunzie like me.

For, know you this, Captain Flett, the lad's nothing but a murderer, a murderer in cold blood!" "Impossible!" ejaculated the skipper. "When heard you of the lad harming body or beast? But who is it that's murdered, bailie?" "Colin Lothian, the gaberlunzie," replied the magistrate. "Man, you astonish me," exclaimed Flett. "Poor auld Lothian! And when did the thing happen?"

"That's not worth the counting," said the old man. "I hae lived to be weary o' life; and here or yonder at the back o' a dyke, in a wreath o' snaw, or in the wame o' a wave, what signifies how the auld gaberlunzie dies?" "Good man," said Sir Arthur, "can you think of nothing? of no help? I'll make you rich I'll give you a farm I'll"

"Na, grannie Steenie's awa out wi' auld Edie Ochiltree, the gaberlunzie; maybe they'll be gaun to see the burial." "That canna be," said the mother of the family; "we kent naething o't till Jock Rand cam in, and tauld us the Aikwoods had warning to attend they keep thae things unco private and they were to bring the corpse a' the way frae the Castle, ten miles off, under cloud o' night.

Among other things to be done in the north, Alaric was to make acquaintance with the constituents of the little borough of Strathbogy, which it was his ambition to represent in the next Parliament. Strathbogy was on the confines of the Gaberlunzie property; and indeed the lord's eldest son, who was the present member, lived almost within the municipal boundary.

"Aweel, aweel, Maggie, ilka land has its ain lauch But where's Steenie the night, when a's come and gane? And where's the gudeman?"* "I hae putten the gudeman to his bed, for he was e'en sair forfain; and Steenie's awa out about some barns-breaking wi' the auld gaberlunzie, Edie Ochiltree: they'll be in sune, and ye can sit doun."

"Ay, a siege laid by Saunders Sweepclean the bailiff, and raised by Edie Ochiltree the gaberlunzie, par nobile fratrum," said Oldbuck, "and well pitted against each other in respectability.

"Not at all, not at all," said Oldbuck, resuming the subject of his disquisition "the human mind is to be treated like a skein of ravelled silk, where you must cautiously secure one free end before you can make any progress in disentangling it." "I ken naething about that," said the gaberlunzie; "but an my auld acquaintance be hersell, or anything like hersell, she may come to wind us a pirn.