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Cut off for the guides, G1 G2, two pieces of stout brass strip, 2-1/2 inches long and 3/4 inch wide. The feet are then turned over and a third hole bored in G1, midway between those previously made, to take the end of the support, PP, of the rocking lever. Screw G1 G2 down to the bedplate, 3/4 inch away from the cylinder centre line.

Two small guides, G1 G2, are made for the plunger. The holes through which the slide rod moves should be a good fit, and their centres at the level of the centre of the coil. Screw holes are bored in the feet. Pass the plunger through the coil, and place the guides on the rod. Then draw the plunger forward till 1/2 inch projects.

First, on the 12th May, the enemy raided the 4th Lincolnshires in G1 and G2 trenches, where, at "Peckham Corner," they hoped to be able to destroy one of our mine galleries.

The U-shaped tube was provided with a stopcock C, and two ground connections g and g1 one for a small bulb b, usually containing caustic potash, and the other for the receiver r, to be exhausted. The reservoir R1 was connected by means of a rubber tube to a slightly larger reservoir R2, each of the two reservoirs being provided with a stopcock C1 and C2, respectively.

Here is the Military Order received by the Staff-Captain: "To Major Coe, "Salvation Army: " Major Wilson, Chief G1, directs that the Salvation Army evacuate 'Coullemelle' as soon as possible. " He desires that they leave to-night if possible. " This message was received by me from the office of G1. "L. JOHNSON, "1st Lieut., F. A."

G1 is abreast of the mouth of the pump, G2 about half an inch forward of the end of the cylinder. The striker, S, is a piece of brass strip soldered to 1/2 inch of tubing fitting the piston rod. The collar is tapped for two screws, which prevent S slipping on the piston rod. The rods for R1 R2 are now provided with forks, made by cutting and filing notches in bits of brass tubing.

The notches should be half as deep again as the rocking lever is wide, to give plenty of room for movement. Solder the forks to the rods, and put the rods in place in the guides, with the forks as far away from G1 as the travel of the slide valve. Then measure to get the length of the rocking lever support.

Two days later we went into a new sector, trenches on the immediate left of the last Brigade sector, and previously held by the Sherwood Foresters. The front line consisting of trenches "F4, 5 and 6," "G1 and 2", was more or less continuous, though a gap between the "F's" and "G's," across which one had to run, added a distinct element of risk to a tour round the line.

Bring G1 close up to it, mark its position, and screw it to the base. The other guide, G2, should be 1-1/2 inches away from the rear of the coil. The coil and guides must be adjusted so that the plunger does not touch the coil anywhere during a stroke, packings being placed, if necessary, under coil or guides.