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A perfect understanding seemed to exist between the two men. Redmond, musing upon the pathetically-sordid drama he had witnessed not so many hours since, relapsed into a reverie of speculation. The silence was suddenly broken by the sharp trill of the telephone. Slavin arose lethargically from the mess-table and answered it. "Hullo! yis! Slavin shpeakin'! Fwat? all right Nick!

"Sthrangers, sor sthrangers. 'Tis a sthranger here I am mesilf, an' fwy they do it bates me, onless I do be so like the Prince av Wales or other crowned head they thry to slaughter me. They're layin' for me in the sthreet now, I misdoubt not, and fwat they may thry next I can tell no more than the Lord Mayor. An' the polis won't listen to me!"

"'Fwat, ould Skinner Adams? sez me bould lad, kind av contempshus-like, 'Humph! at shtringin' out four I have Skinner Adams thrimmed tu a peak. We was dhrivin' from th' station tu th' detachmint same like tu we're doin' now. Whin we gits in I unhitches an' puts up th' team. 'Give us a hand tu shling th' harniss off! sez I tu him an' me shmart Aleck makes a shtab at ut wid th' nigh horse.

"You may get up to spring-chicken country soon, now," said Bader. "I'm thinking this is near the end; it's the last assault that Lee will ever deliver." "Faith, I dunno," said the corporal; "that's what we've been saying sinst last fall, but the shtay of them Johnnies bates Banagher and the prophets. Hoo ow! by the powers! did you hear them yell? Fwat?

After you came out, I tried to tell her that we would look out for her and the children; but all she would say to me was: 'An' fwat would a wheelwright, an' him the father of a family, be doin' up a tree?" They had come now upon the main street of the village, with its flagstone sidewalk overhung by a lofty canopy of elm-boughs.

"Fwat sinse in the ould man bodderin' us?" grumbled Corporal Kennedy, a tall Fenian dragoon from the British army. "Sure, ain't it as plain as the sun and faith the same's not plain this dirthy mornin' that there's no work for cavalry the day, barrin' it's escortin' the doughboys' prisoners, if they take any? bad 'cess to the job.