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What he wants now is plenty to eat and good company. You'll be comin' up to see us byme-by, mebbe?" He looked at her hopefully. "Do you think I could?" "Well, I dunno why not. He'll be gettin' restless in a month or so. You might as well be married up there as anywhere. We've got a good minister a fust-rate one." She smiled a little wistfully. "He won't have me," she said.

"'Well, sais I, 'Parker, take care of him, for you have got a fust-rate critter. He is all sorts of a horse, and one that is all I have told you, and more too, and no mistake. "Every man that buys a new horse, in a general way, is in a great hurry to try him. There is sumthin' very takin' in a new thing.

I left the lightkeeper at his island. He refused to accept a cent from me, except in payment for the gasolene, and declared he had had a "fust-rate night of it." "Come and see us again, Mr. Paine," he said. "Come any time and fetch your lady along. She's a good one, she is, and nice-lookin', don't talk! You're a lucky critter, did you know it? Haw! haw! Good-by."

"Shake it before using," said the Doctor; "and the sooner you make up your mind to speak right out, the better it will be for your digestion." "Oh, Mr. Peckham! Walk in, Mr. Peckham! Nobody sick up at the school, I hope?" "The haalth of the school is fust-rate," replied Mr. Peckham. "The sitooation is uncommonly favorable to saloobrity." Dr.

Cousin Siah, as we called Josiah, didn't cotton tew the old woman, though he did tew her cash; but we hitched along fust-rate. She was 'tached tew the place, hated tew hev it let or sold, thought I'd go to everlastin' rewin ef I took tew lumberin' ag'in, an' hevin' a tidy little sum er money all her own, she took a notion tew buy me off.

"What have you got that's good, old chap?" said he to the cook. "Fust stripe, Massa Cap'en. A right good chance o' homony and bacon fry," returned the negro. "Homony and what? Nothing else but that?" "Why, massa! gracious, dat what Massa Whaley give all he cap'en, an' he tink 'em fust-rate," said the negro.

Seth laid a big hand on his shoulder. "Son," said the lightkeeper, "I'm sorry for you; I cal'late I know how you feel. I like you fust-rate, and if it's a possible thing, I'll fix it so's you can stay right here long's you want to. As for women folks that do come why, we'll dodge 'em if we can, and share responsibility if we must. But there's one thing you've GOT to understand.

Whereupon the little imp pushed his fat fist straight into my eye, to his father's intense satisfaction. Fust-rate little chap, said the papa. Chip of the old block. Regl'r little Johnny, you know.

"It ain't jes' de books; I isn't so much afeard ob dem: but it's all 'long ob de 'Cad'my. I wish you'd jes' take a good look at 'im, fust chance ye git." "Does he look badly?" "No: 'tain't jes' altogedder his looks. He's de bes' lookin' boy 'long shoah. But den de way he's a-goin' on to talk. 'Tain't natural. He used to talk fust-rate." "Can't he talk now?"

"There was three dozen, sah, when the game opened this evenin'; but I reckon the gentlemen done eat 'em all up. If you'd like to eat a fust-rate orange, sah, I kin find you some." "Get busy," ordered the Kid, sternly, "and move whatever peach crop you've got quick or there'll be trouble. If anybody oranges me again to-night, I'll knock his face off."