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He canvassed the whole country, and great throngs were greatly moved by his eloquent and energetic oratory. Jefferson Davis and other Southern orators canvassed portions of the Northern States in support of the nominee of the Southern wing of the Democratic party. In some parts of the North fusions were attempted among the opponents of the Republican candidate.

When platinum crucibles are used with compounds of arsenic or phosphorus, special precautions are necessary to prevent damage. This statement applies to both fusions and ignitions. Fusions with sodium carbonate can be made only in platinum, since porcelain or silica crucibles are attacked by this reagent.

It was at this critical juncture that Baron Bettino Ricasoli began his year of autocracy. His programme was: neither fusions nor annexations, but union of the Italian peoples under the constitutional sceptre of Victor Emmanuel. It was Tuscany's business, he said, to make the new kingdom of Italy. He looked upon himself as providentially appointed to carry that business into effect.

Rock and ruin have been so welded together by the con- fusions of time, that as you approach it from behind that is, from the direction of Arles the place presents simply a general air of cragginess. Nothing can be prettier than the crags of Provence; they are beautifully modelled, as painters say, and they have a delightful silvery color.

This last hypothesis seems so much the less admissible, since, from the researches of Sir James Hall on the influence of pressure in fusions, the existence of carbonic acid in substances contained in basalt presents nothing surprising. Several lavas of Vesuvius present similar phenomena.

'In fine'. How incomparably educated was Teresa for a mystic saint, a mother of transports and fusions of spirit! A woman; Of rank, and reared delicately; A Spanish lady; With very pious parents and sisters; Accustomed in early childhood to read "with most believing heart" all the legends of saints, martyrs, Spanish martyrs, who fought against the Moors;

The history of early Rome consists of a succession of such fusions of tribes into a larger political whole. When history opens, "Rome is a fully-formed and united city"; but Rome is made up of several tribes, which maintain many separate institutions. The religion of after times bears witness to these successive unions.

August, 1918 Bank Fusions and the State Their Effects on the Bank of England Mr Sidney Webb's Forecast His Views of the Benefits of a Bank Monopoly The Contrast between German Experts and British Amateurs Bankers' Charges as affected by Fusions The Effects of Monopoly without the Fact The "Disinterested Management" Fallacy The Proposal to split Banking Functions A Picture of the State in Control.

A chemist may work with a few grains of a substance in a beaker, or test-tube, or crucible, and after several solutions, precipitations, fusions and dryings, may find by final weighing that he has not lost any appreciable amount, but how much is an appreciable amount?

It is from such fusions of individual genius with the traditions of the past that a distinctive American architecture is most likely to flower. The tower is a magnificent bit of architectural design. It is massive and yet delicate. It dominates the court, and yet it fits perfectly into the cloister.