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They are not hill-men, and fear the high places where the gods smoke. Further-more, there is no need." "We have escaped, then?" I asked, with a great relief in my voice. "Say rather we have been shepherded by them into a fold. They will find us when they desire us." It was a perturbing thought, but at any rate we were safe for the moment, and I resolved to say nothing to alarm the others.

The development of the plot of the story, further-more, will on the whole exhibit clearly what is considered right and what wrong." =How and Why Myths Are Kept= There are set times and seasons for story-telling among the various Indian tribes, but the winter season, when there is likely to be most leisure and most need of fireside entertainment, is a general favorite.

He was a boy of strange notions, and the vocabulary in which he expressed them was stranger still; further-more, he had gentle manners, which must have been indigenous, as they had certainly never been cultivated; and, although he had been in the way of handling pitch for many a day, it had been helpless to defile him, such was the essential purity of his nature.

Further-more; as your doctrine is exceedingly evil, by Yamjamma's theory it follows, that you must be proportionably bedeviled; and since it harms others, your devil is of the number of those whom it is best to limbo; and since he is one of those that can be limboed, limboed he shall be in you."