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Arvilly said if she had a long whitewash brush she would advertise her book, the "Twin Crimes," by paintin' a drunken man in a hovel beatin' his wife and children, whilst America wuz furnishin' him with the clubs, and the "Wild and Warlike Deeds of Men" in different wild and warlike attitudes. And little Tommy wonnered if he could climb up on it and wonnered what anybody could see from the top.

Cephas had telegrafted to 'em to come with plans and bid for the job of furnishin' the monument. And after a good deal of talk on both sides, Cephas and S. Annie selected one that wuz very high and p'inted. The men stayed to dinner, and I said to Cephas out to one side "Cephas, that monument is a-goin' to cost a sight." "Wall," sez he, "we can't raise too high a one. Wellington deserved it all."

You'd have to begin all over again, and it'd be harder than startin' in with absolute ignorance. The man would get restless, too. When he thought he was graduated and was about ready to begin on a post-graduate course, he'd find himself in the kindergarten, studyin' with beads and singin' about little raindrops. "Gettin' an idea into a man's head is like furnishin' a room.

Another thing I liked first-rate there and Arvilly did, the corporation of the city is so rich it furnishes fuel for its citizens free. Arvilly sez: "Catch the rich corporations of our American cities furnishin' fuel for even the poorest. No; it would let 'em burn up their old chairs or bedsteads first, or freeze."

I used the power that the Devil give me to prevent a railroad, which I own, furnishin' cars to J. Panel, an' las'ly, I caused money ter be loaned to said J. Panel so's to git him completely under my heel. Also I built a church in San Lorenzy, an' I write these yere lines in the vestry of it as a sorter penance.

"Huh!" says I. "That does make it complicated. I'm afraid there ain't much call for temple hands in this burg. Now if you could run a button-holin' machine, or was a paper hanger, or could handle a delivery truck, or could make good as a floor walker in the men's furnishin' department, or had ever done any barberin' Say! I've got it!" and I gazes fascinated at that crop of facial herbage.

Cephas had telegrafted to 'em to come with plans and bid for the job of furnishin' the monument. And after a good deal of talk on both sides, Cephas and S. Annie selected one that wuz very high and p'inted. The men stayed to dinner, and I said to Cephas out to one side "Cephas, that monument is a-goin' to cost a sight." "Wall," sez he, "we can't raise too high a one. Wellington deserved it all."

But, I swan! you can't tell that girl nothing, for all she seems so mild and meachin'. I was wonderin' if you couldn't shove some sense into her, Abby. Now, I'd like th' job of furnishin' up that house with new stuff. 'I don't carry a very big stock of furniture, I sez to her; but " "Why, Hen-ery Daggett!" reproved his wife, "an' you a reg'lar professing member of the church!

But outside of that, and furnishin' a comic relief to the rest of the fam'ly, blamed if he don't come in real handy now and then. Last Friday was a week, for a sample. I meets up with him as he's driftin' aimless through the arcade, sort of caromin' round and round, bein' bumped by the elevator rushers and watched suspicious by the floor detective. "What ho, Ferdie!"

The Paymaster had recently visited the regiment, and everybody had money which he wished to send home. There were also commissions to purchase in numerable things, ranging from meerschaum pipes to fine flannel shirts. "Look here, boys," said Shorty, good-humoredly, "we want to be obligin', but we're neither a Adams Express Company nor in the gent's furnishin' line.