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It was a part of his nature, which belonged to him without any volition, like his stature or complexion. This is one of the rarest qualities to be found in any man. We do not here condemn it, or applaud it. We simply state the fact. In the army he acquired boundless popularity from his fun-making qualities. In these days he was always merry.

Phillis, "State Mary" Tinny, George Howe, Uncle Abram, Bill Dabney, "Uncle Billy" pass over the stage before me as I write. But of those who unwittingly struggled for the foremost rank in the line of fun-making, George Howe must be the acknowledged star. Unlike others of the same school, whose minds had become unbalanced by overwork, worry or disease, George Howe was born a fool.

It buried out of sight in the yard and stable lots all mire, all ugly things. This ennoblement of eternal objects reacted with comic effect on the interior of the house itself; outside it was a marble palace, surrounded by statuary; within alas! It provoked her humor, that innocent fun-making which many a time had rendered her environment the more tolerable.

Every hotel door was like the vent to a hive black with comers and goers. The old man with the cough medicine met them again. They could repeat his singsong cry now, and with a little impulse of fun-making Ida joined in with him: "Doc-ter Fergusson's double-ex selly-brated, Philadelphia cough drops, for coughs or colds, sore throat or hoarseness; five cents a package."

Pepper can go over there behind those bushes and watch the road. Don can watch the door, and I will go on the other side and look out for the window." "And phat will Oi be doing?" asked Gerald, who could not resist his fun-making instincts. "You can hide down by the shore and watch the river." "We ought to have some kind of a signal if we hear them coming," suggested Pepper.

I've never been so far from it in my whole life. I don't blame you for liking that minister." "Then, you were not making fun?" "No! I've had all the fun-making knocked out of me." "Harold," she said, coming nearer, "I've made him hate me." "Hate you? There isn't a man living who could do that. No one was ever blessed with a more wonderful sister than I've been." Elizabeth stared at her brother.

An old soldier came down from the front and a Salvationist asked him if he knew the Little Major. "Well, you just bet I know the Major sure thing!" And the Major is always on hand with a laugh and his fun-making. In the trenches or in the towns, where the shells are flying, the Little Major is with his boys. No words of mine could express the admiration the boys have for him. The boys love him.

Come on and get your punishment!" And he advances towards the stammerer, who has shrunk back. This unlooked-for interference puts an end to the fun-making of the mud-larks, all of whom are now highly incensed, for in their new adversary they recognise a lad of country raising not a town boy which of itself challenges their antagonistic instincts.

Clarke, but as Betty had rebuked them with a dignity which forbade any further teasing on that score, they had transferred their fun-making to the use of Mr. Miller's name. Fearing her brothers' wrath Betty had not told them of the scene with Miller at the dance. She had learned enough of rough border justice to dread the consequence of such a disclosure.

Then she and the Donkey and the other toys talked for some hours, and told stories. On account of his paint not being dry the Donkey did not walk around, jump or kick as he had used to do. In the morning the toys had to stop their fun-making, for Mr. Mugg and his daughters came to open the store for the day. And in the afternoon Mr. Richmond called to get the mended toy.