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He no longer saw anything before him; his life was again buried in mystery where he wandered fumblingly.

His drunk was still portentously solid next morning, but I could have pulled him through with the family if he would only have taken another spoonful of that remedy; but no, although he was stupefied, his memory still had flickerings of life; so he smiled a divinely dull smile and said, fumblingly saluting: "Scoose me, mem Saheb, scoose me, Missy Saheb; Satan not prefer it, please."

His eye encountering it in due time, he reached out his hand somewhat fumblingly, and took it from me with a slight movement of the head and shoulders that might have been a bow. "Thank you yes should know it among a thousand," said he dreamily, "an old friend and a tried a very much tried one many thanks."

"Germane soup, sir; filly de sole; sweetbread; cutlet soubees, rum souffly." "Tell her to give me a hors d'oeuvre, and put on a savoury." "Yes, sir." When the man had gone, he thought: 'I should have liked an oyster too late now! and going over to his bureau, he fumblingly pulled out the top drawer.

"There can't anything be done for him," said Godfrey wearily; "but we'd better have a look at him, I guess," and he led the way out into the hall. Not until Simmonds spoke did I remember that I was shoeless. Now I sat down beside Godfrey, got fumblingly into my shoes again, and then followed him and Simmonds slowly up the stair.

If you will show me what to do I think you will find me teachable. I shall try to be as little of a burden as possible. Here is my hand on it." And he held out his slim palm for their grasp. Again they stared; but the hand won them. They touched it fumblingly and were impressed. They were a slow lot, selected for various purposes other than wit.

And turning a patient, rounded back to his wife's expected indignation, he told his story while he nervously washed at the sink, and fumblingly dried his face and hands in the coarse roller towel. He made these operations last as long as his confession. Then, at an end of his resources, he turned to face the storm. Mrs. Peaslee simply looked at him.

She was playing Ranulph's game, because she instinctively felt that behind this story there was gloom in his mind and mystery in the tale itself. She noticed too that he shrank from her words. She was not very quick of intellect, so she had to feel her way fumblingly. She must have time to think, but she said tentatively: "I suppose it's no secret?

"My Hope!" The Deliverer The band was playing very softly, very dreamily; it might have been a lullaby. The girl who stood on the balcony of the great London house, with the moonlight pouring full upon her, stooped, and nervously, fumblingly, picked up a spray of syringa that had fallen from among the flowers on her breast.

"The meat patties are gone already," throwing the last crumbs out of window, "and we couldn't get any more, and and " At that moment the train drew up at a station, and a ticket-collector, flinging open the door, came in and demanded to see their tickets. Trembling with nervousness, certain that he must have heard what they had been saying, Esther fumblingly undid her purse and produced them.