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Stanton’s home was near Geneva, and when he left college he suddenly discovered that the Geneva Seminary was superior to any other, and with but little trouble he persuaded Nellie to go there to school. She had now been an inmate of the seminary in that place little more than a year, during which time Robert had pursued the study of law in Judge Fulton’s office.

But long after the town clock rang out the hour of midnight, a light might have been seen gleaming from the windows of Judge Fulton’s sitting room, in which sat Robert and Nellie, repeating for the hundredth time vows of eternal constancy.

Frank, who was also invited, had his own reason for not wishing his mother or sister to see Fanny until they met her at Judge Fulton’s. Consequently he was not sorry when both ladies graciously informed him that Miss Middleton would not be invited by them to visit at their house. "Of course," said Mrs. Cameron, "we shall invite Kate and her husband, and shall be glad to see them.

Fulton’s countenance looks very familiar to us, and we wonder much where we have seen her before, or if we never have seen her, who it is that she so strongly reminds us of. Before we can solve the mystery, we observe across the room a face which makes us start up and exclaim, "Is it possible! Can that be Dr. Lacey?"

Judge Fulton’s consent was given, and he wrote to Nellie that before she was married he would make himself known to her, and give her a wedding at his own house. A few days before Robert left for Kentucky Judge Fulton received another letter from Nellie, saying that it was Mr. Stanton’s wish to be married the ensuing autumn.

Contrary to his first intention, Stanton concluded to come North in July. He had of course learned from Nellie that her mysterious guardian had proved to be Judge Fulton, his sister’s husband. And more recently she had written to him of Judge Fulton’s removal to New York City. Mr.