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And he levelled at his father one of those double-barrelled pistols, full-cock. "Julian, my son, I forgive you, Julian; take my hand, boy." "What coward? now you can cringe, and fawn, eh? back with you! the girl, I say." For poor Emily, wild with fear, was clinging to that weak old man.

As I set the trigger to half-cock I saw that the powder was well up in the nipple; therefore, slipping on a cap and setting the trigger to full-cock, I again levelled the piece and bowled over the leading buffalo. "It is enough!" exclaimed the king soberly. "No wonder that you conquered the tribes who rose against you if you were all armed like that!

He compared himself with such a companion to one travelling with a loaded blunderbuss at full-cock; and in his epigrammatic way he said of him to Mr. Walker, 'His mind is like his body; he has a confounded, strong, in-kneed sort of a soul. The man, however, had some good qualities. He had a warm heart; never forgot the friends of his early years, and he hated vehemently low jealousy and cunning.

And he levelled at his father one of those double-barrelled pistols, full-cock. "Julian, my son, I forgive you, Julian; take my hand, boy." "What coward? now you can cringe, and fawn, eh? back with you! the girl, I say." For poor Emily, wild with fear, was clinging to that weak old man.

The king now loaded one of the carbines I had given him with his own hands, and giving it full-cock to a page, told him to go out and shoot a man in the outer court; which was no sooner accomplished than the little urchin returned to announce his success, with a look of glee such as one would see in the face of a boy who had robbed a bird's nest, caught a trout, or done any other boyish trick.

"Full-cock now, anyhow," said the fat man, after a pause, and his breath seemed to catch. "But I'll tell you, you've never been so near death before. Lord! I'M almost glad. If it hadn't been that the revolver wasn't cocked you'd be lying dead there now." Mr. Ledbetter said nothing, but he felt that the room was swaying. "A miss is as good as a mile. It's lucky for both of us it wasn't. Lord!"

Then they saw him in wild despair whip down the gun, full-cock the left barrel, and put it up again. The bird was just disappearing over a crest of rising ground, and as Ogilvie fired he disappeared altogether. "He's down, sir!" cried Hamish, in great excitement. "I don't think so," Ogilvie answered, with a doubtful air on his face, but with a bright gladness in his eyes all the same.

Another narrow escape occurred during the Matabele campaign, when Baden-Powell was quietly and peacefully marching by the side of a mule battery. One of the mules had a carbine strapped on to its pack-saddle, and by some extraordinary act of carelessness the weapon had been left loaded, and at full-cock.

In the meantime, Big Bill was coming up at a gallop; he was boiling with indignation at the treacherous conduct of his uninvited guest; and being fully alive to the manners and customs of the West, he placed his Sharp rifle upon full-cock to be in readiness for an explanation.

Just as the last canoe was disappearing behind its leafy screen, one of the young braves, who was guilty of the unpardonable offence of carrying his gun on full-cock, chanced to touch the trigger, and the piece exploded with, in the circumstances, an appalling report, which, not satisfied with sounding in the ears of his exasperated comrades like a small cannon, went on echoing from cliff to cliff, as if in hilarious disregard of secrecy, and to the horror of innumerable rabbits and wild-fowl, which respectively dived trembling into holes or took to the wings of terror.