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The impudence of him, to say I mayn't have any tumble-down bit of Trullyabister for a play-place! I had it all so nicely planned to hide Gloy there, and bring our armour and our spoil there. It was just the very place. It is an old Viking's place at least one bit of it is said to be. But I'll circumvent fule-Tammy yet." "Why not ask permission from Mr. Neeven?"

Harry followed, after cautioning Bill and Gloy to go out of the passage and keep watch, to give the alarm in case Mr. Neeven or fule-Tammy should come upon the scene. The sealkie was neither alarmed nor disturbed by her visitors. She had evidently returned to her tame confiding ways, and allowed the boys to come close to her.

But as they sailed away and uncle's boat landed, they saw the poor sealkie's head peep round the skeö; then there were shots fired, and fule-Tammy shouted at the pitch of his voice, 'Ye've got him, sir, got him! dead as a door-nail! The Mitchells were too disgusted to wait for anything more. They sailed home and told Fred." "It was horrible, Yaspard very horrible.

It's fule-Tammy without question. A pretty fix he has made for himself!" Then Yaspard thought of waking the sailor to see the false light; but on second thoughts he muttered, "What's the use? If I have to speak, and am ever in another place than this, I'll do it. But there isn't any use in telling upon that born fool just now. Well! I'm glad he is a fool.

"And that schooner's captain for another," said Fred. "Now for it," thought Yaspard. "I wonder what I ought to do? I can't peach on poor fule-Tammy."

She was soon so interested in her occupation that she forgot how time slips past, and was not aware that Yaspard had been absent a whole hour when he returned looking very much annoyed. "Bother that fellow!" he said, as he helped Signy into the boat and took his place at the oars. "You mean fule-Tammy?" she asked. "Of course.

When within a short distance of the old house a backdoor suddenly opened and fule-Tammy came out carrying a peat-keschie. He was going to the stack for fuel, and the particular stack he meant to visit happened to be the very object behind which Yaspard crouched. "If," thought the boy, "he comes round this end of the stack I'm done for." But Tammy didn't.

Up went their caps in the air, and out rang their wild hurrahs, louder and heartier at each renewal, to the consternation of fule-Tammy, who was waked from slumber by the uproar, and came out rubbing his eyes, with all his hair on end, and wailing, "The trows! the trows! they've come tae pu' doon a' the house at last." He was a comical sight, and laughter took the place of cheering.

Wouldn't I pitch into him!" exclaimed the Viking-boy; whereat Harry, laughing, said, "That's all done with now. Wreckers went after the Vikings, didn't they?" "With the exception of fule-Tammy," retorted Yaspard. "And yourself," said Tom. "Maybe they left as bad behind them," Yaspard said quickly.

How could uncle be so cruel to a poor sealkie, and yet be so kind to me?" Yaspard laughed. "There is a difference between you and Trullya, Mootie! But now comes the nice bit of my story. The seal wasn't killed at all! Fule-Tammy told me all about it. He said it had a young one with it, and they had been spending the night in the skeö.